View Full Version : The Dark Knight

stuart schechter
2008-07-17, 10:49 PM
I'm going to see it at 12:01 Friday Morning, i.e. tonight. It's supposed to be really good, even though I have seen the entire bank heist scene in IMAX. It looked kicka$$.

2008-07-18, 09:52 AM
how was it?

stuart schechter
2008-07-19, 02:18 PM
Awesome. The a$$kicking that happened in the movie was fantastic! I highly recommend it.

Midnight Mike
2008-07-19, 02:36 PM
I saw Batman on Friday night & the was really good, for an action movie the acting was incredible.

All of the news reports that have been printed about Heath Ledger are right on, he got into the Joker character & may have played one of the best movie villains of all time.

The actor that played Harvey Dent, Aaron Eckhart, played the role of the lifetime, when he was on the screen
he demanded your attention & receives it...

Matt Molnar
2008-07-19, 02:48 PM
Do you need to see the last couple of Batmans to understand what's going on? I liked the first two a lot, but lost interest after the one with Jim Carrey and haven't seen the ones that came after that.

Midnight Mike
2008-07-19, 10:15 PM
There was a preview for a new movie called Watchmen, looks pretty good!


2008-07-19, 10:19 PM
The Batman films have never really been linear, so to speak.

Only the ones with Robin and this one require seeing only the previous film to them.(although from what I have read, you dont have to see the last to get into this one)

stuart schechter
2008-07-19, 10:34 PM
No, you understand it pretty easily. Joker wreaks havoc on Gotham, Batman tries to stop him.

2008-07-24, 01:26 AM
I saw it tonight... Simply awesome!!!

Does anybody want to see a magic trick?

2008-07-24, 12:48 PM
Just saw the movie last night and it was awesome!!! I definitely would agree that Heath Ledger played the role of a lifetime as the Joker, as did Aaron Eckhart. I felt like they were even better actors than Batman himself. Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine were also excellent in their supporting roles.

You definitely don't need to see any of the previous Batman movies to get this one. Get out and see it!

Oh yeah, "Why so serious?" :)

2008-07-27, 04:39 AM
I saw the first three and they where great, but they where never like Batman the tv show.

When i saw the first movie i was expecting to see words like kapow or boooooooof on the screen as Batman hit the bad guys ....... but nope the movie was very sleek and professional.

I did like both, One thing annoyed was the change of actors who played Batman.

When 007 came out Sean Connery played him for the first 5-6 movies and then left followed by Roger Moore etc and that was a nice transition, but in Batman its after every 1-2 movies.

flyboy 28
2008-07-27, 08:43 AM
Does anybody want to see a magic trick?



That was brutal.

2008-07-27, 10:50 AM
Finally saw the movie last night. Without a doubt the best Batman movie to date. Believe the hype, Heath Ledger played an excellent role, definitely oscar worthy.

2008-07-27, 10:55 AM
Anyone see it in imax?

Midnight Mike
2008-07-27, 10:32 PM
The Batman movie pulled in impressive numbers at the box office!

$75,630,000 in the 2nd week, $314,245,000 overall :borat: