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View Full Version : 29 Feb Morning Spotting

2008-02-25, 10:04 PM
I'm mostly a lurker on this forum...but first time I posted was when the A380 first came to the US on JFK. I was at the mounds for her first arrival.

I'm coming to NYC for this weekend, and am wondering if there are any spotters planning to come out on the 29th for JFK. Spotting on a leap year. :)

I would like to in the future spot at LGA but I'm not as familiar with LGA and, well, JFK kind of have a sentimental meaning to me now... :oops:

I would like to come out in the morning, and I've only have experience with 22 arrivals. For 31 I'll look at the places listed on this site and try those...I'm limited in transportation so I can only go to certain spotting sites where public transportation is available.

Let me know if anyone is interested...it'll be cool to spot as a group!

--DJ Were-Panda

2008-02-25, 10:31 PM
I may be up for that - I might need to go out of town for a couple of days, but if I'm around, I'd probably join you. I'll know for sure in a couple of days what my schedule looks like, but right now, it sounds good.

2008-02-27, 09:16 AM
Sounds good...hope to see you there. Keep me posted. :)

2008-03-01, 01:53 AM
Turned out to be a very good day today! The forecast clouds held off until late this afternoon, so we were able to get a full day of spotting in. Picked up Theresa at Jamaica, and headed down to JFK. 4L/R was active this morning, so we ended up at Bayswater. I haven't been there in ages, and haven't been there when 4 was active. While it was cold, there was almost no wind, so it wasn't too bad out there.




As cold as it was, we got quite a bit of heat haze, but I like the way this one looks...

Plain old Cathay 777...



Looked the the Port guys were playing with fire this morning :wink:

After lunch at the Bayhouse, JFK had switched to 13/22 combination. We went back to Bayswater and caught a few 13R departures. Here's that same plain old Cathay heading home.

We took a ride over to the Cargo Plaza, so Theresa could get the "complete experience".

After about 30 minutes, PAPD pulled up (yes, the guys across the street called...). He was polite enough, but after saying he knew what we were doing, and that it wasn't illegal, he said that it looked suspicious, and resulted in PAPD getting calls, and he asked us to leave (he really gave the impression that we were inconveniencing him). Since it's not really a public lot, we decided it was time to check out The Mounds before dark. It ended up being pretty quiet when we were there, and with the thickening clouds, we called it a day. As we were ready to drive away, Air Berlin passed by. :(

http://moose135.smugmug.com/photos/260403494_nmp6B-M.jpg http://moose135.smugmug.com/photos/260403554_pFYVG-M.jpg

This was Theresa's first spotting trip to JFK since the A380 was in town, and I think we managed to hit just about all the high spots, a police encounter and all!

2008-03-01, 02:59 AM
John, those are fantastic captures! I gotta get me a 300 or 400 mm range someday...

Thanks to John for ferrying me around places that are fairly inaccessible via public transit...and yes, what a great day it was to watch planes. Luckily, the clouds didn't arrive until much later in the afternoon, but we got started fairly early in the morning just in case.

Since John provided the side plane shots, I figured I'll display shots of my awkward attempt at photog composition. :lol: Plus, I haven't finished sorting through the actual stock shots of the planes.

Our first stop, though too far for my 200 mm lens, was still a really beautiful place across from the runway:

It was cold enough that I had to put my camera down every once in a while so my fingers could get circulation. But wow, it was totally worth it. Thanks John for showing me sites other than the mounds...especially the Cargo area... :D

Planes caught kissing! :lol:

Reflection of Singapore against the water:

A poetic view of the control tower with a plane right after rotation:

And of course, the photog shot:

John, thanks so much for spotting with me. We should do this again! :D

Cheers, Theresa

2008-03-01, 11:28 AM
Where the sun is bright, and sky is clear (and full of planes)...

...and the temperature is BELOW FREEZING. :lol:

2008-03-01, 04:19 PM
Nice shots both of you. My favorites are the JAL 747 and Singapore 747 with their reflections in the water. Take care, Brian

2008-03-01, 07:09 PM
Great shots both of you.
Nice angle with the Aeromexico 737W.

2008-03-01, 07:49 PM
Wow the "planes kissing" shot is AWESOME especially with the Manhattan skyline in the background.
And I absolutely love the dark picture of the Tower and the plane partially hidden in the bushes. Very spooky looking with the lighting and the dark control tower actually reminds me of a cross.