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View Full Version : Sony Launches 13.6MP Compact P&S

Matt Molnar
2008-02-25, 05:17 PM
Unless you have a case full of MemorySticks that you can't wait to fill with massive, okay quality photos, I don't know see any good reason to buy this. Well, at least it looks pretty cool.

http://www.digitalcamerareview.com/defa ... ewsID=3320 (http://www.digitalcamerareview.com/default.asp?newsID=3320)

2008-02-25, 05:36 PM
Wow. 13MP is too much even for a 22cm DSLR sensor...I can't even imagine what kind noise you'd get with that many pixels on a point-and-shoot...

Matt Molnar
2008-02-25, 05:38 PM
You can crank it up to 3200 ISO for some real quality!

2008-02-25, 05:40 PM
Come on guys, you know that more pixels = better pictures :P

2008-02-25, 05:41 PM
Come on guys, you know that more pixels = better pictures :P

Yeah, maybe on a Phase One digital back...

2008-02-25, 08:09 PM
It has 15mb of internal memory...enough to take one picture. lol As for noise with that amount of pixels, I wouldn't worry to much. The technology to reduce noise has come along way. Really though....what's the point of 13 megapixels??? Who the hell wants to see little Sally on a billboard in Grandma's house anyhow? LOL

2008-02-25, 09:16 PM
Haha yeah, 13 mp is waay too much.

2008-02-25, 10:25 PM
It may be a marketing tool, since a lot of people still seem to be under the impression that more pixels=better pictures all the time.

2008-02-26, 09:43 PM
Look at these featuers

In-camera retouching options include an Unsharp Mask sharpening algorithm and Happy Face Retouch, which adds smiles to faces in post-process.

So anotherwords if I take a pic of my daughter with this camera and she wasn't smilling (which is actually pretty) rare I can add a smile right in the camera ? Also how would an unsharp mask work in camera ?


2008-02-27, 07:35 PM
That has to be a really cheesy smile if it does it in post-process!