View Full Version : The Official Darwin Thread

2008-01-13, 03:58 PM
Post your Darwin articles or comments here. It only counts if they die. If we have a lot, at the end of the year, we'll pick a winner.

I'll start it off with this genius. A drunk guy tries to slide down and escalator railing, falls off the side and plunges a few stories onto another escalator.


2008-01-13, 07:27 PM
(Is it bad if I was worried this was going to be another political thread?)

Matt Molnar
2008-01-14, 11:01 AM
The official 2007 Darwin Award winners have been announced: http://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin2007.html

One of my favorites:

(2007, India) Increased mining and recent rains in southeast India have unsettled the wildife. In the past few months, migrating elephants have killed eleven people in southeast India. A team of four journalists decided to interview this herd of rogue elephants.

And they went into the forest in search of the rogues -- on foot.

Elephants are big, and elephants are fast. As the recent deaths illustrate, a person can't out-run an elephant. But these intrepid journalists apparently assumed that a press pass grants immunity.

With a nose for news, the journalists sniffed out the herd. Once located, it was only natural that they should capture the photogenic animals on film. Unfortunately, the elephants were camera shy. Angered by the flash, the irritated herd charged the paparazzi, miraculously killing only one of the four.

His remains could not be retrieved.

2008-01-15, 07:18 PM
The official 2007 Darwin Award winners have been announced: http://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin2007.html

One of my favorites:

(2007, India) Increased mining and recent rains in southeast India have unsettled the wildife. In the past few months, migrating elephants have killed eleven people in southeast India. A team of four journalists decided to interview this herd of rogue elephants.

And they went into the forest in search of the rogues -- on foot.

Elephants are big, and elephants are fast. As the recent deaths illustrate, a person can't out-run an elephant. But these intrepid journalists apparently assumed that a press pass grants immunity.

With a nose for news, the journalists sniffed out the herd. Once located, it was only natural that they should capture the photogenic animals on film. Unfortunately, the elephants were camera shy. Angered by the flash, the irritated herd charged the paparazzi, miraculously killing only one of the four.

His remains could not be retrieved.

They didn't scrape the bottom of the elephant's feet???

2008-01-15, 07:20 PM
They didn't scrape the bottom of the elephant's feet???

Or check it's stool? :wink:

2008-02-04, 11:29 PM
Another nominee:

2008-03-06, 07:29 PM
MOUNT JULIET, Tenn. — High winds are blamed for the death of a man who died when a mattress he was sitting on was blown off the back of a pickup truck.

Police said Doyle Smith, 42, a public works employee, was helping move the mattress Monday.

The wind flipped the mattress and Smith fell and hit his head on the road. He died at Maury Regional Hospital.

Mount Pleasant Police Chief Tom Wilson said the death would be classified as weather-related.