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View Full Version : JetPhotos Thumbnail Problems - UPDATE

2007-12-20, 08:37 PM
Hey all,

We thought that the thumbnail problem were were having with JetPhotos thumbs was over, but I guess not.

My problem is that though people are reporting the problem, I go to look and the problem seems to be gone. So, I need your help in letting me know exactly what you're seeing or not seeing.

What some of you see when this happens is the page just ceasing to load from a specific JP thumb and down, correct?

Exactly how many thumbs did load on that entire page before this problem happened?

How many were in that post?

Is there any change when you refresh the page (does it go away, or does it stop at a different thumb?

What internet browser are you running?

If someone can email me a screenshot of what they're seeing, that would be a big help.

I just want to get to the bottom of this. I think we all enjoy the thumbnail feature and I want to keep it by getting this problem fixed.


2007-12-20, 09:04 PM
How do you do a screen shot? I'll send you one.

2007-12-20, 09:28 PM
Open the screen that you want take a "photo" of. Press the "PrntScrn" or "PrtScn" key on your keyboard (usually near the Insert, Home, Page Up keys).

Open Photoshop and create a new document (File>New), and then hit Ctrl + V to paste it into there.

Or you can open Microsoft Paint and paste it in the same way (except you don't need to create a new document in there). The advantage to using Photoshop is that you can crop the screenshot to edit out all the Instant Message windows and inappropriate sites that are visible on your taskbar. ;)

2007-12-20, 10:10 PM

I can view 24 images and I'm running IE 7.

2007-12-21, 08:54 AM
Ok, I'm seeing this too on my end now.

I'm going to leave the thread as is for a bit so we can look at it to try to figure out what is causing this.

Sorry for the inconvenience folks.

Matt Molnar
2007-12-21, 09:36 AM
Looks like it was fixed. Did anyone edit/delete a post?

2007-12-21, 10:22 AM
Looks like it was fixed. Did anyone edit/delete a post?
Its still not working on my end. Phil sent me a message that he deleted my post to see if it fixed it. I was able to see down to my post but now it stops at Chris102s post and says errors on page.

2007-12-21, 10:23 AM
I removed njgtr82's post (which was the last one before the problem), but when I reloaded the page, the problem still existed for me, but this time ending with the previous post, which was then the last one.

2007-12-21, 10:29 AM
That's the problem I was having Phil. Often times the remainder of the thread just won't load and I get that "error on page" in the lower left corner of I.E.

2007-12-21, 10:32 AM
I saw that error as well.

From what I recall the problem being in the past is that the thread would end at the thumbnail. Now it seems the thread ends at the bottom of that post, but does not continue from there...no place to reply or do anything beyond that.

2007-12-21, 11:44 AM
Every time I've seen something like this happen, I also have trouble loading jetphotos directly. Which indicates that it might be their problem, rather than nyca's. Is it that way for anyone else?

Matt Molnar
2007-12-21, 12:14 PM
Until we can isolate and resolve the issue, we've taken the JetPhotos thumbnail option out of the menu. Your existing thumbnails will still work, but if you want to link to new JetPhotos uploads please link to them the conventional way.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to get this fixed ASAP.

2007-12-21, 12:31 PM
I just had a thought.....with the proliferation of pop-ups on jetphotos these days - I wonder if it has anything to do with that - it's trying to load a pop-up - but it's a background process..just an additional thought...

2007-12-21, 12:35 PM
Interestingly enough - it is happening on the 2007 The Best in the Spotting forum

viewtopic.php?f=11&t=9669 (http://www.nycaviation.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=9669)

2007-12-21, 12:38 PM
Interestingly enough - it is happening on the 2007 The Best in the Spotting forum

http://www.nycaviation.com/forum/viewto ... f=11&t=966 (http://www.nycaviation.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=966)

Thats how this came about. Any way of scrapping that thread and starting over? I would like to see everyones shots. Maybe just go back to using photobucket/flickr etc photos this time?

2007-12-21, 01:07 PM
Well, it only seems to happen with JetPhotos. Anet thumbs seems to be fine.

I'll set it up so we can close that thread and not have everyone lose what they wrote in it.

stuart schechter
2007-12-21, 01:20 PM
It happened to me on that thread too, but I switched right over to Firefox(woohoo!) and it was all clear.

2007-12-21, 01:36 PM
i'm in avant browser and cant get past bill's first post in the best of 2007 thread. i've tried it in IE7 and also get nowhere.

2007-12-21, 04:53 PM
Let us know if you folks are seeing errors on that page still, and if so, what kind.