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View Full Version : Britney Spears' 16 year old sister....PREGNANT

2007-12-18, 10:33 PM
No joke guys. Wow:

http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/12/ ... Spears.php (http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/12/19/arts/People-Jamie-Lynn-Spears.php)

2007-12-18, 10:35 PM
Like she has a role model? If she follows sis she will start partying all night, get fat, and get a full up skirt shot posted all over the media. Business as usual.

2007-12-18, 10:48 PM
Business as usual.

Well said. And who really cares anyway? Why do we even care what these white trailer trash folks do with their lives? It must have been a really slow news day.

2007-12-18, 11:19 PM
Wow this is shocking. Its sad how famous celebrities are becoming dreadful role models for a young audience.

flyboy 28
2007-12-18, 11:22 PM
Wow this is shocking.

Honestly, I'm not very shocked at all.

2007-12-19, 12:22 AM
I love this line...

"It was a shock for both of us, so unexpected," she said. "I was in complete and total shock and so was he."

Really now, it must have been that darn pregnancy fairy that got to her while she was sleeping!!! (SO SHOCKING!) Remember, you do the crime, you (might) do the time!

2007-12-19, 08:15 AM
I think this is the first "celebrity" I've heard of getting pregnant (and keeping it...and talking about it) at such a young age. It also goes against everything her and her sister (another story) have ever claimed as their values: no premarital sex, etc etc. I mean, whatever, not like I bought it...but what a mess!

2007-12-19, 09:33 AM
It's sad and frightening. HOWEVER (patience please, and hear me out), I have to give her a LITTLE bit of credit for almost being an adult about this. She sounds genuine in being inteested in taking care of this child, instead of just aborting it and living about her immature life.

I gave up on Britney a long time ago. I assumed that she was jsut her own freak and didn't expect her social disease to spread among her family.

I know I give people the benefit of the doubt too much, but perhaps this 16 year old will man-up and actually set an example as a person who took responsibility for her actions.

High hopes, I know.

2007-12-19, 12:11 PM
She sounds genuine in being inteested in taking care of this child, instead of just aborting it and living about her immature life.

She may also be keeping it to fill a void that's present in her life. Keeping the child is not necessarily a sign of maturity. Depends on underlying factors.

She's keeping the kid, but yet, if she's out partying at 18, 19 years old, getting drunk at parties and leaving the baby with a sitter, how mature was that?

2007-12-19, 01:03 PM
I agree that such behavior at a young age is immature, but I've sene many people grow up REAL fast with the news of being pregnant.

Again, I'm just giving the benefit of the doubt.

2007-12-19, 01:33 PM
I'll echo Mario's statement....WHO CARES?

I mean, for me, I do not know her, will never meet her, she is not part of my extended family, so why on earth would I give 2 sh*t's about what she does.

Honestly, do you think she is the only 16 year old out in the US who is preggo? NO, not by a long shot, but she gets the publicity and (they are hoping) moral support to help her raise this kid. What about the girls in our area who have almost no money to their names, whose families have dis-owned them because of them now being put in a bad situation.

Sorry if I'm off on a rant, but, to see day after day, these celebrities getting special treatment because of their names, and the KIDS who idolize them struggling day after day, it makes my blood boil. Especially this time of year.

2007-12-19, 02:21 PM
Jon you're spot on with your assessment. WHO CARES...! The amount of attention this is getting in the headlines is nothing more then a waste of time and energy. I had a convo with someone yesterday that went like this "Did you hear Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant?" I said "Who is that? Does she work here?" Really people move on there's more to life then the Spear's family.

I'll echo Mario's statement....WHO CARES?

I mean, for me, I do not know her, will never meet her, she is not part of my extended family, so why on earth would I give 2 sh*t's about what she does.

Honestly, do you think she is the only 16 year old out in the US who is preggo? NO, not by a long shot, but she gets the publicity and (they are hoping) moral support to help her raise this kid. What about the girls in our area who have almost no money to their names, whose families have dis-owned them because of them now being put in a bad situation.

Sorry if I'm off on a rant, but, to see day after day, these celebrities getting special treatment because of their names, and the KIDS who idolize them struggling day after day, it makes my blood boil. Especially this time of year.

2007-12-19, 02:34 PM
As per the charity thread, maybe I'll give my thousand bucks to her.

2007-12-19, 02:36 PM
...on a related note, Brittney & Jamie-Lynn's mom was supposed to have a book come out very soon, it has now been delayed. The subject??? Parenting!

http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/157678 ... id_0.jhtml (http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1576784/20071219/id_0.jhtml)

2007-12-19, 04:46 PM
...on a related note, Brittney & Jamie-Lynn's mom was supposed to have a book come out very soon, it has now been delayed. The subject??? Parenting!

Who in their right mind would buy that book? Even if she didn't get pregnant. I would rather take parenting advice from John List.

People like the Spears' get press for the same reason Anna Nicole's death was as big as it was. I have to hand it to Arnold's wife. She walked away from the business becasue of the saturation they gave Anna Nicole. Good for her. That was a statement. The media has gotten real bad.

2007-12-19, 06:49 PM
I would rather take parenting advice from John List.

Post of the week. :)

Smartass Flyboy
2007-12-20, 04:53 AM
Just goes to show you You can take the trash out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer out of the trash.

2007-12-20, 08:17 AM
I was going to use a similar line before but I thought it was a) too cliche and b) not really applicable since they actually come from a not-so-modest lifestyle.

2007-12-20, 08:27 AM
Well, these people are trashy regardless, and it seems Britney will never heal.

2007-12-20, 12:44 PM
It gets better, I think her mom has an agreement with one of the rags to sell the pics of the newborn for a million dollars. These people are so bad. They are jumping on the coat tails of their daughter and making all they can. Which I can't fault them for it. Society has created this and if people are willing to shell out the money so be it.

Let us remember one thing also, Where Brittney and her sister come from it's not unusual to be with child at this age. Many southern girls are married with child at a young age. I know she is not married but let's see how she deals with it. Hopefully better than Brittney.

2007-12-20, 01:04 PM
It gets better, I think her mom has an agreement with one of the rags to sell the pics of the newborn for a million dollars. These people are so bad. They are jumping on the coat tails of their daughter and making all they can. Which I can't fault them for it. Society has created this and if people are willing to shell out the money so be it.

Let us remember one thing also, Where Brittney and her sister come from it's not unusual to be with child at this age. Many southern girls are married with child at a young age. I know she is not married but let's see how she deals with it. Hopefully better than Brittney.

Nick where there come from has nothing to do with it. Teen pregnancy is a societal problem that affects the nation equally rich and poor and has no geographic boundaries to it. The problem rests in the hands of the parents and to some degree the education system. In this case they just happen to be from the south. Look what happened to Paris Hilton; while she didn't get pregnant her behavior is very similar to that of Britney's. Now Paris's family is the total opposite of the Spears, old money, a highly prestigious American name and an educated family but the behavior is the same. Just goes to show you doesn't matter where your from or how much money you have poor decisions don't discriminate.

2007-12-20, 01:25 PM
I'm not saying it isn't, but perhaps we should explore the specific reasons that teen pregnancy is a problem. As Nick said, it might be normal where they come from, but that doesn't mean it's not a problem.

There ARE some parts of this country where people in their late teens are already taking on very responsible roles, running family farms and businesses and so forth. However, this category of people is in the minority for sure, and though the Spears family has money, it doesn't make her decision a wise one.

2007-12-20, 02:08 PM
Nick where there come from has nothing to do with it. Teen pregnancy is a societal problem that affects the nation equally rich and poor and has no geographic boundaries to it.

Tommy I have lived in the south. In Fla for example I could go to any Osco or Piggly Wiggly, The cashiers were all 16-17 married with one or more kids. Sure teenage pregancy is a problem but there plenty of young girls down south that have kids at a young age in and out of wedlock and do fine. There are differences geographically trust me. The south is a whole different world than up where we live, the midwest etc. Not putting down the south in any way but it's a fact. You think if Brittneys's sister was a regular girl from the south and was married and got pregnant we would know about it? The Rural south is full of teen girls with child. The question is what she does after the birth. Sure her image with her TV following is a concern but trust me this isn't the disaster everyone thinks it is. Unless she acts like her sister.

I'm not saying it isn't, but perhaps we should explore the specific reasons that teen pregnancy is a problem. As Nick said, it might be normal where they come from, but that doesn't mean it's not a problem.

Young couples are guilty of this all the time, it takes just a little bit of laziness with birth control or whatever. All the parenting in the world is not going to stop young people from having sex. Let us not forget this was not a fling, she is in a committed relationship with the father. Abstinence just doesn't happen. Just hope this kid has a better experience than Brittney's.

2007-12-20, 02:39 PM
Nick Metro New York City is full of teens with children that work at places like PathMark...Simply because a stereotype exists doesn't mean it’s a systemic problem in one particular geographic area. It has more to do with the difference between the economically disenfranchised areas of the country which major cities like New York, L.A, Chicago, Philly, DC, and Boston makes up the majority of. Infact the state with the highest rates of teen pregnancy is California, a state known for being on the cutting edge.

The reason why one might think the south is plagued with this problem is because the population is spread out and not as dense as the Northeast, therefore certain elements of society will standout more then in areas like NYC where it tends to blend in. This causes stereotypes to become the assumed lifestyle of the area when infact the percentages between the North, South, East, and West are very similar when it comes to teen pregnancy.

The problem has to do with a great many things from the family, to the schools, economics, main stream media, and peer pressures at a young age. Sex is such a taboo subject in America that its discussion is shunned. In Western Europe sex is just the opposite, it’s a freely discussed subject allowing for greater education and communication to be shared with teens and actively sexual adults. Its no wonder she got pregnant, attractive girl, screwed up family, lots of disposable income with no decent education, and the pressures of being a 16 year old, it was sure bet she'd get pregnant.