View Full Version : McDonalds Air & Sea Show 2008 Cancelled.

2007-12-14, 05:06 PM
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- Organizers of the Air & Sea Show announced Friday that the event will not take place in 2008 because of lack of a title sponsor.

"The event is not economically viable without a title sponsor and corporate sponsorships are not the same as they were, especially during this more sensitive economic climate," public relations spokesperson Michael Goodman said in a news release.

The Air & Sea Show is a free annual event in Fort Lauderdale that draws thousands of spectators. It features performances by all five branches of the U.S. military.

It's a shame, this event drew massive crowds every year and was tons of fun to attend. May won't be the same without it.

I leave you with pictures of last years show.









2007-12-14, 07:44 PM
This is such a great pity! It really was an excellent show! Maybe another sponsor will come through soon....

2007-12-15, 12:05 AM
That sucks! I was fortunate to be at the show in 2006 and what a great time it was!

The Fort Lauderdale show is one of the best. Who knows, maybe they'll find a sponsor and it will happen. We can only hope.

2007-12-17, 03:31 PM
I know how you guys feel. Coney Island used to have air shows every summer until Jones Beach got corporate sponsors and took the shows away. Coney Island used to get the Blue Angels, the Thunderbirds, The Golden Knights, etc. I also fondly remember an AV-Harrier suspended motionless over the Beach. It was awesome and I will never forget it. They even once landed helicopters on the beach and allowed us to walk around the aircraft close-up. The pilots handed-out free posters and glossy photos which they signed. I wonder how they kept sand particles from entering the aircraft? These shows are no longer held. I have a better chance of seeing a Concorde over my house than to see an air show over Brooklyn. Sad.

2007-12-17, 03:33 PM
One time, when they were rehearsing for that McDonalds air show, someone flew past my mom's office near the speed of sound and broke a window in the building. Good times :)