View Full Version : Sick Co-workers

2007-11-29, 11:31 AM
So does it annoy anyone else when your coworkers come in sick? My entire dept sounds like a Hospital TB ward right now with me being the exception. Although come next week I'll be sick working with these people. I think people should be made to take a sick day if they are sick. Even if they have allot of work to do there's no reason they can't work from home, no they choose to come in and infect the entire office. The worst part about it is...half of these people don't cover their mouth when they cough.

2007-11-29, 12:06 PM
With the exception of a job like mine where I can't afford to call in sick it is really stupid to go in when you are sick. Especially when you are in a office enviorment that can turn into a germ factory. I would start taking some airborne Tommy.

2007-11-29, 10:28 PM
If they report to me, I send them home.

Sometimes I'll have their desk sprayed with Lysol afterwards. But usually someone has beaten me to it.


2007-11-30, 09:48 AM
I got the big bottle of Purell at my desk.

2007-11-30, 10:15 AM
I got the big bottle of Purell at my desk.

I use this stuff called Sanityze. My company sells it and it works great! It leaves your hands smooth since it has Aloe Vera in it, works great much better then most of the other brands on the market.

2007-11-30, 10:45 AM
Tom, does the product also hydrate cracked dry skin?
We use Purell and I find I have to moisturize regardless of the Vit E and Aloe in it.

We had an employee layering clothes yesterday. Meanwhile, we were steaming up. I tod her to get home, I don't need the office run down with influenza.

2007-11-30, 01:18 PM
Tom, does the product also hydrate cracked dry skin?
We use Purell and I find I have to moisturize regardless of the Vit E and Aloe in it.

We had an employee layering clothes yesterday. Meanwhile, we were steaming up. I tod her to get home, I don't need the office run down with influenza.

Yes it does have a moisturizing property to it, plus a pleasant smell. You can order it off of http://www.Henryschein.com just type in Sanityze in the search field and it comes right up. No I'm not ashamed to plug my own company for sales, lol ;)