View Full Version : ATA L-1011 DFW

2007-11-06, 08:06 PM
Ah me, and no camera in hand, anyway,I watched this beauty ascend off of 18 L at DFW this sunday last. She is keeping company with 2 former NWA DC-10s, and flying at odd hours. Add our 3 DFW based 727s and retro jets are still alive and well in Tejas. Oh yeah, saw a corporate DC-8 ,looked like a -72 at LAS.didn't get the registration, over and out.

2007-11-07, 11:10 AM
I saw a similar thing at Albany


It was running a military charter to Egypt.

Awesome to see a little heavy action for a change.

2007-11-07, 02:07 PM
Dan, an L1011 in Albany landing on Rwy 28???? NICE catch!!!

2007-11-07, 03:14 PM
Dan, an L1011 in Albany landing on Rwy 28???? NICE catch!!!

Thanks John! I was pretty pleased with the runway choice. I had myself set up at runway 28 but was worried that they would switch over to rwy 1 and screw me. 28 it was!

I got a tip from Jay who is a fueler at Millionaire. He had told me of the scheduled visit a few days in advance.