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View Full Version : Wisdom Teeth Removal

2007-10-23, 12:48 PM
So on Halloween I'm seeing an oral surgeon to have three wisdom teeth removed. The bottom right tooth is impacted; the top 2 are exposed. I'm not sure if he'll do all three at once or not, but I've heard nothing but horror stories. I'm also planning on having the procedure done with local anesthesia only.

I just want them to be out and that I can be back at work as soon as possible.

I'm sure they will stress me out even more, but go ahead and post your horror stories so I can prepare myself.

2007-10-23, 12:54 PM

All mine came in b/c when I had braces, we yanked 4 teeth in order to make room for the wisdom teeth.

Sorry, I wish I could tell you to go back in time and see my old Jewish orthodontist, Dr. Smile (now deceased). That' be my best advice.

From what I've seen though.....

Prepare to look like a chipmunk for 2-4 days. Make it fun. Pick a name, either Alvin, Simon, or Theodore and just roll with it. ;) ice might help with reducing any swollen cheeks.

USAF Pilot 07
2007-10-23, 01:15 PM
Got mine done last year... Generally, you have to have them out to fly in the Air Force...

I only had one slightly impacted tooth, the others were fully out and level with my other teeth...

I had them knock me out cold.. It's the best way to do it. They hook you up to an IV, and start counting down from 100 and by 95 you are out like a light... The next thing you know the nurse is sitting there waking you up, and the procedure is done. It was awesome! The only thing is that you have to have someone drive you from the dental clinic (or pick you up).

I popped a perky when I got home, took a nap and felt fine when I got up that evening. I even drove to McDonals and to KFC to get a milkshake and mashed potatoes. I was eating somewhat normal about 3-4 days after the procedure, and by a week later was completely fine. I just made sure to thoroughly clean out my sockets everytime I ate something.

I only took prescription pain killers once (when I got home) and 100% normal (with the exception of a swollen face) the day after the procedure. My advice is to get knocked out when you do it, clean out your sockets everytime you eat (and sometimes in between) and don't drink through a straw for a while. Most of the people who have problems don't take care of their sockets, and get infections and dry sockets.

2007-10-23, 01:57 PM
My wisdom teeth grew in fine, but thoguh I take good care of my teeth, one started to die. The dentist said it needed to come out.

I was awake during it. For some reason, any numbing agent given to me takes a while for it to take effect, if it takes effect at all, so it took a while for my dentist to really begin.

My dentist is a large, strong man. He has giant hands that your own hand disappears in when he shakes upon greeting. However, he takes his dental pliers and had to use all of his might over the course of almost 15 minutes to get the tooth out.

He was really gripping the pliers, setting his feet properly for a strudy stance, and twisted and turned the pliers trying to loosen the tooth. Most of the numbing stuff was actually working, but I could still feel cracking and crumbling of tooth and bone.

WHen he finally got it out, it was with one last "umph" of strength, and I almost swallowed it. Thankfully I didn't, as it was rather large. When I say large, not only was it a tooth that you normally visualize, but it looked like there was a 3/4 inch section of my jaw attached to it....hence the cracking I felt.

I didn't expect it to be such a difficult or challenging procedure, and I was particularly surprised that my giant dentist had a tough time. I wondered how an anverage person might have managed.

It bled a bit randomly for days, and I kept spitting out random chunks of blood and flesh.

Good luck! :borat:

2007-10-23, 02:03 PM
I had mine taken out two years ago and overall it was a good experience. I opted for local anesthesia and the procedure was completely painless. When they yank out the teeth, you will feel some pressure around the jaw, but that's about it.
NOW, HERE'S THE IMPORTANT PART! Start taking the prescription painkillers IMMEDIATELY after the procedure! The anesthesia takes a while to wear off, so you probably won't feel much pain for a few hours. I didn't take the pain meds until after that...huge mistake! They take a while to kick in and by then I was rolling on the floor in pain. It was one of the most painful experiences of my life.
If you don't make that mistake, you'll be fine!
You will look like a chipmunk no matter what, so prepare yourself for the namecalling. :P

-Omar S.

2007-10-23, 02:33 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, all...

How was it having work done that far back in your mouth? Doesn't seem like there's much room to work with back there...

2007-10-23, 03:07 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, all...

How was it having work done that far back in your mouth? Doesn't seem like there's much room to work with back there...

The local anesthesia numbs the entire area (teeth, gums, cheecks), so you don't really feel the big tools working back there. You will feel some pressure when he tries to free the tooth by twisting it out of place. It's a bit uncomfortable, but there is no pain at all. It's usually over within a couple of minutes anyway, unless you have teeth of steel like Phil. :borat:

-Omar S.

2007-10-23, 03:13 PM
Had mine out when I was in the AF, flying KCs at Grissom. They were impacted, so they sent me to the USAF hospital at Wright-Patterson AFB to get them all out. Checked in on Monday, the procedure was Tuesday, home on Wednesday (AF transport both ways) They gave me an IV, didn't completely knock me out, but I didn't feel anything, and didn't really care about what was going on. Went back to the room afterwards - they had about 4 of us in there together for the same procedure. First thing they served us was chicken broth. You mouth was still numb, so of course, some of the soup dribbled down my chin, which I didn't feel until it reached my neck! Of course, this happened to all of us, so we got a good laugh at each other (and ourselves) over it. I was on some good painkillers for about a week - I couldn't fly, but I was able to pull alert while on them.

This was back in 1986 - the week the Mets were in the World Series. Saw game 7 the night before my surgery. The ward was dark, everyone was supposed to be sleeping, but I was up watching the game. One of the nurses told me to turn it off and go to sleep. When I explained my long-suffering Met-fan history, she let me watch the game.

flyboy 28
2007-10-23, 07:38 PM
Got mine out back in April. First day of Spring Break. I was too zonked out from the vicodin I was on to enjoy the week. Lots of pain for me. But don't let me get you scared, Matt. :wink:

Midnight Mike
2007-10-23, 09:30 PM
They took out 3 at once when I was in the Navy, they knocked me out.... I remember I woke up in the middle of the procedure :shock:

2007-10-24, 08:59 PM
I'm also planning on having the procedure done with local anesthesia only.

Last surgeon I went to didn't want to opt for the local anesthesia, and therefore I nixed the procedure. I didn't believe the impacted tooth was infected anyway, but rather only what was left of the tooth above it. This was some time ago, and I believe I was correct in my suspicion.

Really have to shop around with dentists until you are satisfied. Both from personal experience and from numerous conversions with people, it seems very commonplace when you go to a new dentist, they nearly always express mystification over whatever the last dentist was trying to accomplish.

I am very satisfied with my dentist now, but unfortunately (or fortunately), I don't have any experience to go on when trusting an actual oral surgeon.

But anyway, good luck.
