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2007-09-13, 11:02 PM
I saw this video on youtube.
[youtubetp://youtube.com/watch?v=LeTHAHGgZzA[/youtubere they alloud to do that or is that even possible, to take food and drinks on board fighter jets?

2007-09-14, 12:22 AM
It's Navy, what do you expect :D

Clearly it's possible, I don't know if there are any regulations that prohibit it.

USAF Pilot 07
2007-09-14, 12:53 AM
That video was really stupid... I'm sure there are regulations about bringing that kind of stuff on board such high performance jets.

Hell, there's a regulation that states you can't pass beverages over the center console of the C-17 (as I'm sure you can't over other planes as well) that aircrew gets tested on!

2007-09-14, 01:20 AM
we used to regularly carry a case of MREs in the -60s. i guess if you could fit into your brain bag you could get it into the airplane...

2007-09-14, 10:40 AM
I have personal experience and insight into this. Navy pilots think they are the greatest things that have ever happened to aviation especially the F-14 pilots towards the end of that bird's service life. Back when we were on deployment or doing work-ups off the U.S. coast, our squadron's pilots would bring us pizza, Subway, McDonald's - you name it - which was great because eating ship food gets old after a while!

One thing's for sure - we Navy people sure know how to party and have fun doing our jobs! Most of the fun we had is strictly confidential, though! You taxpayers can't know of such things! 8)

USAF Pilot 07
2007-09-14, 07:35 PM
One thing's for sure - we Navy people sure know how to party and have fun doing our jobs! Most of the fun we had is strictly confidential, though! You taxpayers can't know of such things! 8)

Hmmm, a bunch of dudes on a ship for months at a time with no outside "contact"... I don't even want to imagine what "super secret" fun you guys had! :P

2007-09-14, 07:44 PM
One thing's for sure - we Navy people sure know how to party and have fun doing our jobs! Most of the fun we had is strictly confidential, though! You taxpayers can't know of such things! 8)

Hmmm, a bunch of dudes on a ship for months at a time with no outside "contact"... I don't even want to imagine what "super secret" fun you guys had! :P

damn, you beat me to it USAF! :D

2007-09-14, 10:55 PM
Hmmm, a bunch of dudes on a ship for months at a time with no outside "contact"... I don't even want to imagine what "super secret" fun you guys had! :P

Don't ask, don't tell...

2007-09-15, 01:06 AM
Well, I was on a carrier - we had men and women. But I probably just dug my hole deeper. Wait, OMG - I did it again! :-P