View Full Version : Allergies Anyone

2007-08-31, 01:53 PM
Has anyone else this week suffered from allegies? I'm generally pretty good when it comes to withstanding the pollen, mood, and grass allegies but this week I feel like someone has round housed me. I can barely see out of my left eye, my throat is a mess, and if I wasn't dropping Alegra D every min my head would be stuffed...this is why I need to move to the dry climate, Arizona sounds nice...

2007-08-31, 01:58 PM
Has anyone else this week suffered from alleges? I'm generally pretty good when it comes to withstanding the pollen, mood, and grass alleges but this week I feel like someone has round housed. I can barely see out of my left eye, my throat is a mess, and if I wasn't dropping Alegra D every min my head would be stuffed...this is why I need to move to the dry climate, Arizona sounds nice...

Oh yeah, Arizona, try Phoenix, those 110 degree days all summer are a dry heat. - :wink:

Seriously though, my allergies are actually doing well, haven't had a need for the Nasonex or Zyrtec in about 2 months now. Maybe you got bit by something at The Mounds? (as I duck for cover). :lol:

2007-08-31, 03:21 PM
Same here, I didn't need to use the medication for about two months.

2007-08-31, 05:46 PM
this is why I need to move to the dry climate, Arizona sounds nice...

I hear that, I always see a big differencein air quality when I am out there ever winter. Much nicer to breathe than there.