View Full Version : Stolen Photo!

2007-08-01, 08:43 AM
Honestly, i don't really care about this one.

I got a request from an aviation enthusiast, and when looking at his profile, I was in his comments, a photo that looked familiar and immediately recognized as mine.


Which is this photo: http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0987662/L/

The funny part is just happening to come across your own photo like that.

2007-08-01, 10:09 AM
I had that happen once. I have pictures up on Helispot.com and a number of them are of NYPD Aviation.
Well one day I was browsing through the ALEA webpage pictures and there were two of my pictures
there. Well I thought that was cool but I just wanted my name credited to the pictures so I sent the
webmaster an email. I didnt think the tone of the mail was angry but he sure sent back an angry mail
to me, pulled the pictures and gave me a sarcastic "have a good day"

2007-08-01, 12:22 PM
why would anyone steal a pic of a CO-EX embraer? :lol:

2007-08-01, 01:05 PM
The guy who left the comment is a pilot for one.

2007-08-08, 10:35 PM
So I wrote to the guy asking where he got the photo.

He said HE TOOK IT!!!

I told him that he must have been sitting on my shoulders.

He then replied saying he didn't mean to say that, and said he wouldn't use it again.