View Full Version : Off to Robinson, TN

2007-06-22, 09:58 AM
Well some fellow classmates of mine and a couple of teachers are heading off Saturday morning to Robinson, TN to work with Habitat for Humanity in building a home for an elderly woman who is a great grandmother of about 20 kids. I am going on the second trip as the first trip went a week before and started to build the frame of the house and put in the windows. Our job is to finish it off by installing interior stuff, paint, and other things. Its for a really good cause as you are building a home in one of the poorest counties in America. We are not allowed to bring any electronics because it symbolizes us being one with the poor. Anyway I will be back next Saturday. I hope to have a great time there in doing something for a good cause. The only bad part might be is that we are going there by two small school buses.

Maybe a Delta Habitat for Humanity 767-300 will fly by or Jimmy Carter will visit us :D

2007-06-22, 10:06 AM
Sounds like a good cause--well done.

Too bad you can't fly there :(

2007-06-22, 10:21 AM
Habitat is a wonderful organization and I commend you for taking part. I'm not sure about that school bus thing though, good god, New York to T.N on a school bus....ouch.

2007-06-22, 12:31 PM
Have fun storming, er, building the castle!! :)

And could you do me a favor? Find out what they use for birth control down yonder. Perhaps you can turn that into a science project for next year?

2007-06-30, 07:48 PM
Well I am back from TN. The week I have spent there was truly an almost life changing experince for me. To help the poor and provide the people in need for a home.

2007-06-30, 09:26 PM
habitat for humanity is something that i wish i had the time to take part in. i just don't have the time and don't think there are any projects anywhere near me.

USAF Pilot 07
2007-06-30, 09:56 PM
You sure it's Robinson TN???

When I was in High School, we went to Robbins TN, just West of Knoxville for Habitat for Humanity. Like you, there were like 4 groups that went down during the summer, each working on a different part of the house.... It was actually a really rewarding trip, and I've been thinking about "chaperoning" one of the groups from my high school as they do this every summer...

2007-06-30, 10:29 PM
I also saw a small airport with one runway in Virginia right next to route 81