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View Full Version : My Apologies

2007-06-11, 02:36 AM
Hi all,

I wanted to go over something that's been bothering me, and judging by some emails that I receive, has been bothering some of you as well....and understandably so.

Though message board activity continues to climb and reach record levels, content and general growth on the site has slowed a bit over the past several months. Most of this can be attributed to our plans to create a new site that is bigger, better and offers you features that you truly cannot get anywhere else. Becuaseof its production, we were putting forth our efforts to the new site as opposed to the current site's upkeep.

Don't worry. Though there will be a new domain, NYCAviation will still exist, and will intertwine perfectly with the new site. We are not, however, ready to disclose many other details about the new site.

More recently though, the launch of the new site has been delayed, and NYCAviation still does fall behind on the news and areas that we like to maintain better. This is due to my own personal schedule.

Though EVERYONE is busy in their lives, I spend much time on the road and out of country for work, and am often away from the internet and email for days at a time. I have little free time for me to apply my efforts towards the construction of the new site.

In fact, the only reason NYCAviation has been doing as well as it has been is due to other staff members, especially Matt Molnar (GothamSpotter), who is also an Admin of this site.

So, I wanted to thank you all for your devotion to our site and hobby, and I also wanted to apologize for falling short of what I've promised to deliver to you all. I've not lost sight of why we're here and what we hope to do. Though it's been delayed, we will make progress in the near future.

Please do not hesitate to email myself or the team with questions, concerns, comments or to ask for help about whatever issues you may have with the site or among the hobby. Though I might not respond immediately, I promise that I take all of your concerns very seriously.

Thanks again,


stuart schechter
2007-06-11, 12:18 PM

Thanks for making an awesome site. Real World obligations always take priority over NYCA. You are a great man and keep up the great work!

EDIT: Matt, the same goes for you. You have created an excellent way of making friends and doing what we love best!

2007-06-11, 12:33 PM
You're welcome and thanks. But seriosuly, thank Matt. His role is just as large and has really kicked ass while I haven't been around.

Art at ISP
2007-06-11, 12:46 PM

As far as I am concerned there is no need for an apology. You have created an excellent community here, and I am honored to have so many of you as friends.

Keep it up, and if I can be of any help just let me know


2007-06-11, 05:40 PM
Phil, don't apologies. I am in the middle of building a site as well (http://www.detroitspotters.com) and I know how time consuming it can be, as well as the fact that you can't let it take over your real world life.

The new site will be awesome. Can't wait for it. You, Matt and EVERYONE on the NYCA staff have done an AMAZING job and I am seriously in awe of how you guys do it.

2007-06-11, 05:42 PM
.... I am in the middle of building a site as well (http://www.detroitspotters.com)

Ooh, sneaky solicitation!

2007-06-11, 05:46 PM
.... I am in the middle of building a site as well (http://www.detroitspotters.com)

Ooh, sneaky solicitation!

Lol, I thought someone would catch that shameless plug :D

Iberia A340-600
2007-06-11, 05:49 PM
Phil, no need to apologize man. You run a great site with the help of some others and your a busy man! :)

Can't wait to see the new site, considering how great this site is the new one must be amazing haha.

2007-06-11, 06:12 PM

if anyone is complaining they should take the advice your site gives to the heavy posters...

"Needs to Post Less, Watch More Planes"

We all have lives, and our jobs pay more than this site does (at least I hope they do!) When you get to it, you get to it.

Thanks Matt for keeping things running so smooth in the meantime.

2007-06-11, 08:04 PM

You have no need to apologize for anything - we all have to pay the bills before we get to enjoy our hobby. You should be extremely proud of what this site has become - from the humble beginnings of Aereola Aviation to what this is now - and of course the future "new site"! I know that this site has heped me meet a lot of new friends - given me the opportunity of two great trips to NY (and hopefully more in the future)! Just keep doing what you are - and like everyone else's comments - thanks Matt for keeping the site going!

And - if I can help in any way - as offered before - please just shout!

2007-06-12, 03:42 PM

You have no need to apologize for anything - we all have to pay the bills before we get to enjoy our hobby. You should be extremely proud of what this site has become - from the humble beginnings of Aereola Aviation to what this is now - and of course the future "new site"! I know that this site has heped me meet a lot of new friends - given me the opportunity of two great trips to NY (and hopefully more in the future)! Just keep doing what you are - and like everyone else's comments - thanks Matt for keeping the site going!

And - if I can help in any way - as offered before - please just shout!

Couldn't have said it better myself.

2007-06-20, 04:37 PM
Hi Phil,

I recently accessed the PHL-area spotter site and ... W-O-W!!

Will your new offering be anything like that one??

Any clue as to when your new/revamped site will be launched? Thanks.

Mike (shamrock838).

2007-06-20, 04:43 PM
I'm not at liberty to divulge too much in terms of features at this time.

As I said, thelaunch date is already past. There will be some upcoming opportunities to gains oem ground in development coming up, and I will keep you all posted.

The PHL site is a good one. Personally,g and not to discredit the amazing job done there, I think we'll have somethin better than any other aviationsite, almost rivaling Airlienrs.net's dominance of the aviation hobby.

Adn no, we will not be a photo site. We do not intend to compete with Anet on that level.