View Full Version : Presidential debates (June 03 & June 05)

Midnight Mike
2007-06-03, 02:41 PM
Democrats: Sunday, June 3, 7 p.m. ET
Republicans: Tuesday, June 5, 7 p.m. ET


2007-06-03, 04:15 PM

2007-06-03, 05:37 PM
Should be entertaining.

I can't remember his name, but there was one Republican running for President in one election, and he wore a red plaid shirt throughout the campaign to signal he was "one of the people". We know what happened there; he was an also ran. Was it Lamar Alexander?

Remember as well, the normally level headed and well respected Jack Kemp, becoming egomaniacal - some people clearly are just not cut out for it.

Debate wise - though not for president, it was fascinating watching Al Gore single handedly in the matter of minutes, shred Ross Perot to ribbons on National Television effectively taking him off the National Stage in just one sitting. Makes Gore's cranky robot performance against Dubya all those years later even more surprising in its foolishness.
