View Full Version : Piper Aviation Museum in Lock Haven, PA (now with photos!)

2007-05-10, 03:37 PM
I'm going to be out in Lock Haven, PA tomorrow and Saturday (for my brother's graduation), and I just recently found out that it's also the site of the Piper Aviation Museum (website (http://www.pipermuseum.com/)). I'm thinking of stopping by, and I was wondering if anyone here has been to it and could at least let me know if it's worth dropping by.

2007-05-19, 04:29 PM
Well, I had some free time so I stopped by a bit. Short version: may be of interest to GA fans, especially Piper fans, but if you're into big iron this isn't for you.

Basically, the museum is a building right on the grounds of William T. Piper Memorial Airport, the former site of the Piper factory. The museum entrance and most of the displays are up on the second floor, and include stuff like timelines, photos, etc.

There's also a hangar downstairs with various Piper aircraft, including some prototypes. It's a bit crowded (with planes) for photography, and the light's not great, so my photo's aren't spectacular, but here are a few (and the rest (http://photo.pgengler.net/gallery/2007-05-12)):


2007-05-19, 05:35 PM
have a good time