View Full Version : Nycaviation member in USA Today, 04.17.07

2007-04-18, 03:49 PM

Have a read. Art weighs in a bit on the issues that US Airways faces.

2007-04-18, 04:05 PM
Hmm I don't face any of those issues when I fly WN....Lets see which do I prefer, upgrade with no service or getting there on time 9 out of 10 times, I'll choose the latter. Sorry Art just busting chops. ;)

My question is why didn't US just dump all the labor contracts when they were in Chap 11 and impose the same contracts HP had? I have to wonder if some at HP wishes they let U.S fold and just bought what they wanted after the fact but I guess HP wanted a turn key solution. It’s going to take time to merge the two but it will happen.

2007-04-18, 11:31 PM
My question is why didn't US just dump all the labor contracts when they were in Chap 11 and impose the same contracts HP had? I have to wonder if some at HP wishes they let U.S fold and just bought what they wanted after the fact but I guess HP wanted a turn key solution. It’s going to take time to merge the two but it will happen.

While US did change the labor contracts both times thru chapter 11 - While using the threat of liquidation. The majority did not want a repeat of the Eastern Airlines shutdown ( believe me aviation is a small world - there are many ex.EAL employees at US ) The contracts are not the problem , it seems to be mgt's willingness to negotiate with labor - honestly.

The problem at USAirways now is some of those who make the big decisions have made pretty good decisions while others have not. Unfortunately the bad decisions are outweighing the good ones. Example . Reconfiguring the "east" cabins to match the "west" configuration appears to be handled poorly to put it mildly. It also appears the decision to change away from SABRE may have been made in haste ( although I do not have any inside info on this ) . This and other issues helped torpedo operational performance , which your customers will always remeber. USAirways is far to good of a company to stay down for long.

No merger is full of flowers and sunny skies as the spin doctors would like us to believe. They can get nasty , leave permanent scars. Anyone who has been thru one can tell you . I am now going thru a 3rd ...

The employees of USAirways have sacrificed much during the last 6 years. I speak now as a former employee with what was to have been 20yrs under my belt at US.

I hope I didnt ruffle anyone's feather's. If I did it was unintentional..


hiss srq
2007-04-19, 12:19 AM
US upper certainly may have made some incidents in their haste to combine the company but I can assure you that knowing the new system intimately this issue is rapidly comeing together to be solved. As far as Kiosk operations, it is going to take longer to sort out as it does not appear to be a system wide issue but more a localized issue at certain cities. The kiosk is killing US more than SHARES

2007-04-20, 12:13 AM
It's not just the employees; a bunch of the US 757s were the original batch that Eastern took - the ones with the bare metal scheme and '757' in the Boeing font covering the tail. Somewhere, there's a picture of 5-year-old me sitting in the left seat of one of those, wearing an Eastern captain's hat.

Art at ISP
2007-04-26, 09:23 AM
Some of the customer initiatives announced this morning by US Airways are in direct response to my meeting in Tempe March 27th.

Most prominently, addressing misconnects and operational issues, as well as waiving the $25 same day change fee (or MOVE UP) as it was called, for preferred members. Interestingly enough, Travis Christ uses one of my phrases in the statement ("nickel and diming").

They still have a long way to go, and this is probably tied to earnings/conference call today to allay fears of FF's leaving, but at least I feel SLIGHTLY vindicated.