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View Full Version : See Site Owner Phil Derner on TV tonight.

2007-04-02, 09:49 PM
Tune in to

Discovery Channel HD at 12 midnight tonight.

Phil will be on "Concorde: The Final Flight"

2007-04-02, 09:55 PM
Discovery HD? Is that a special channel?

2007-04-02, 10:22 PM
Mario will be on it, too. Don't know why you gota embarrass just me. :-p

I look like **** in that thing. God. I'm gonna cut cable wires so no one can see it or something.

I don't recall them filming it in HD though. How will they pull that off?

2007-04-02, 10:39 PM
Nah, Phil, you are the site owner, all the props go out to you! Take a bit of credit.

Um, its on Discovery HD Theater, midnight late this Monday night. Channel 727 for optimum subscribers.

I think they did film in HD all along. It looks pretty good actually on HD.

And Phil, you looked as dapper as ever, what do you mean, man? I guess we are always our own worst critic. I've lost 10 bls since then, so I looked like poo too.

2007-04-02, 10:40 PM
So who will be recording this and uploading it to youtube?

2007-04-02, 10:41 PM
That would be nice since I don't have Discovery HD

2007-04-02, 10:46 PM
And Phil, you looked as dapper as ever

Haha! Dapper!!!!

2007-04-02, 10:49 PM
Mel, will you see it? I gotta say, if you can see it on Discovery HD Theater, its great.

I was watching certain aspects such as the waves on the shoreline and the birds flying off the shore and I felt like I was there all over again.

Good crisp video and had some extra parts.

Maybe nyc75 (vin) can record? I know he's an avid DHDT watcher :)

2007-04-02, 10:58 PM
I'll be asleep and I don't know if we get the HD channels. I'd love to see it though. I've only seen a crappy VHS clip of it. :)

Midnight Mike
2007-04-02, 11:00 PM
Mario will be on it, too. Don't know why you gota embarrass just me. :-p

I look like **** in that thing. God. I'm gonna cut cable wires so no one can see it or something.

I don't recall them filming it in HD though. How will they pull that off?

Don't worry about it Phil, you look like crap most of the time! :lol: :shock:

2007-04-03, 12:51 AM
Damm Phil and Mario are famous now!!!

2007-04-03, 04:12 AM
I have a copy that they sent me...VHS, sitting in my cabinet. I hate it. haha

They used a fisheye lens RIGHT in front of my face, and I looked skinnier than ever. I might have been lighter than I am now.

I had something going on I think earlier that morning (there were two days of filming) and I had a suit on still.

It was a good show though. If you folks wanna come to my palce and watch it sometime, all I charge is beer. :lol:

I just have regular TV, though, and the show I ahve is, like I siad, VHS. I think it's safer anyway....I don't know if even I can handle Phil Derner in HD!!!

2007-04-03, 11:09 AM
what kind of beer?

2007-04-03, 12:46 PM
Phil prefers: Yuengling, Bud, Grolsch, Corona or Stella.

Or, anything with alcohol.

2007-04-03, 12:58 PM
Phil prefers: Yuengling, Bud, Grolcsh, Corona or Stella.

Or, anything with alcohol.

Mmmm, Corona and Stella.. :D I will try to watch it tonight...not even sure if I get Discovery HD, but I'll check. Otherwise I'll have to make a spontaneous roadtrip up to NYC to watch it at your place Phil, lol.

-Omar S. :)

2007-04-03, 01:06 PM
That was a fun, yet sad day.

2007-04-03, 03:47 PM
Sure Phil, the old "Fisheye in my face" excuse. :roll: :wink:

That's pretty funny actually. Since I lost weight since then, that means I was actaully much fatter then I looked on TV, LOL

Phil Derner in HD = Dapper

Beers allowed are the same as those served on BA COncorde flights:

Lager- Grolsch, Stella Artois, Holsten Pils, Fuller’s London Pride Ale.

Grolsch and Stella are pretty easy to get locally.

edit: I just saw Mel's post. Grolsch baby! Did I turn you on to that?

2007-04-03, 08:58 PM
Yes, Mario, you did turn us onto Grolsch.

2007-04-04, 08:00 PM
For those interested, it will air again soon.

on Apr 08, 4:00 am and again on April 15 at 8:00 AM.

Sorry but I have to share, I plan on watching the April 8 showing. I flew Concorde on April 8, 2003. Nice way to remember.

(60 minutes) Concorde: The Final Flight


British Airways retired the Concorde, ending the era of champagne and caviar at Mach 2 forever. Aboard one of Concorde's final flights, experience the thrill of supersonic travel and find out why this was the ultimate flying adventure.
Apr 15, 8:00 am

So don't forget, Phil, Mario, Andy, Matt, andArt will all have their junk out on the beach, in full HD, on April 8 and again on the 15th.

2007-04-04, 09:04 PM
Soo Phil or Mario :

What is the odds of me getting an autograph!

I also seen the both of them on tv, good job guys!

2007-04-04, 10:55 PM
Sure, I'll write you a prescription. ;)

Gotta watch it on the 8th aand I'll be sipping Grolsch and remembering.

2007-04-04, 11:02 PM
...Phil, Mario, Andy, Matt, andArt will all have their junk out on the beach...

Oh man, they taped the afterparty, too!? I assume this is the unrated version.