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2007-02-20, 02:58 PM
It's my first time (Kings County Supreme Court). March 5th.

What should I expect?

edit: March 5th is the day I need to report to the courthouse. I need to call the night before.

2007-02-20, 03:14 PM
Expect to get sentenced to 5-10 years.

Kidding. I actually got a Jury duty summons as well, and I have to start calling on Friday.

Is March 5th the time you have to call or the time you have to show up?

I did Jury Duty once before when I was 18. Like, right after my 18th birthday I got the summons. I sat in a big room and waited for a number that I was assigned ot be called. I went into a courtroom and was asked questions by the DA and the defense attorney to see if I qualified to be on their jury.

If they don't like you, you get sent back down to the waiting room to wait to be called ot be interviewed for another case. If you don't get picked for any trial after a week (meaning you have to show up every day and wait...so bring LOTS of reading material), then you get sent home.

If they DO pick you, you go into another room to wait until they have a complete jury. Once that happens, then the trial starts. Pretty straight forward. You watch and get sent back and forth to the room until it's over, which is when you cast your verdict to the jury foreman.

Just don't try to get out of it by saying you're racist. I hear they've been fining people for contempt for that stuff.

Matt Molnar
2007-02-20, 03:35 PM
It's definitely an good experience if you're interested in the legal system. I did it about five years ago in Queens Civil Court in Jamaica. I started on a Wednesday, got picked for a "forum" from which they selected 6 jurors for a small case, I didn't get picked, went back to the big waiting area, where "Titanic" and "Private Benjamin" were shown on big screens. All day Thursday didn't get picked for anything. Friday morning I get picked for a forum for a wrongful death suit filed by a dead guy's family against two hospitals and five doctors...big enough to require us moving to the Supreme Court building across the street, and undoubtedly would have lasted at least a couple of weeks. I had a trip to Florida booked for the following Monday, so I had my fingers crossed that I wouldn't get picked. After about 4 hours of questioning us potential jurors, around 3pm Friday they were like "well, it's getting late and we don't like to keep this hanging over the weekend, you guys are all dismissed from service and we're going to pick from the fresh pool of jurors coming in on Monday." So I got to learn about the innards of our justice system, and I got to go to Florida. :)

2007-02-20, 03:45 PM
For my case, I was picked for a stabbing trial. The first witness was the victim, and when the DA asked him if the man who stabbed him was in the courtroom, and the witness said no.

The DA looked shocked, and asked the judge for a recess. We were snet back into our room and after about 30 minutes, were called back in. We were told that the trial was over, and that it turned out the defendent took a plea. Also, the witness denied that the defendent stabbed him becuase the defendent's brother threatened his family if he testified against him.

So, the defendent went to jail for the stabbing and his brother got federal charges for tampering with a witness.

Alex T
2007-02-20, 04:22 PM

What would have happened if you had to cancel your trip? Are you refunded by the airline? Like is the Airline required to refund you if you cancel for a gov't or law purpose, maybe with proof? Or do the gov't help or are you SOL and you just cancel and hope your not charged a big fine?


2007-02-20, 07:55 PM
I recently got the questionnaire and I haven't been called in more then seven years so I'm expecting the letter in the mail any day now. I served on a trial before, i really enjoyed it. First it got me out of work, we got out everyday at 11 and it was the spring, I had an entire week of half days in great weather, then we found the bastard guilty, LOLOL He's still rotting in Riverhead prison.

hiss srq
2007-02-21, 12:03 AM
So my question about this all is this. I am registered in Florida as my mailing address, drivers liscence, etc etc etc.... living in NY though and the only information that would place me here is that my paychecks address is for my NY house so would I serve if it was so requested down there or up here?

2007-02-21, 12:24 AM
You would serve where ever you are called to. If your voter registration, address and license are all from Florida, you would most likely be called for jury duty down there.

hiss srq
2007-02-21, 04:59 AM
wow that bites.

2007-02-21, 10:17 AM
Actually, I think that if you do get called and you are officially a non-residence of that state (ie: registered to vote in another state, DL in another state, etc), you can fill out the form it comes with to let them know. I just received word that I got a duty notice in Philadelphia for an address I haven't lived at in 5 years. Hopefully I'll be able to explain that!

Matt Molnar
2007-02-21, 11:12 AM

What would have happened if you had to cancel your trip? Are you refunded by the airline? Like is the Airline required to refund you if you cancel for a gov't or law purpose, maybe with proof? Or do the gov't help or are you SOL and you just cancel and hope your not charged a big fine?


Not sure, Alex. I was flying jetBlue, which had been flying for maybe a year and a half at the time, i.e. back when they were a bit more accommodating to their customers. I'm guessing they would have helped me out.

2007-02-21, 11:24 AM

What would have happened if you had to cancel your trip? Are you refunded by the airline? Like is the Airline required to refund you if you cancel for a gov't or law purpose, maybe with proof? Or do the gov't help or are you SOL and you just cancel and hope your not charged a big fine?


Not sure, Alex. I was flying jetBlue, which had been flying for maybe a year and a half at the time, i.e. back when they were a bit more accommodating to their customers. I'm guessing they would have helped me out.

If you can prove you are booked on a trip, they will exuse you.

2007-02-21, 12:32 PM
I find the whole process of Jury Duty terrifying and depressing. Luckily both times I have been called I have been releived. I hate it because its the only time in your life when you are stripped of your rights as a citizen and lose all dignity. (Other that being an aviation photographer).


2007-02-21, 01:01 PM
I find the whole process of Jury Duty terrifying and depressing. Luckily both times I have been called I have been releived. I hate it because its the only time in your life when you are stripped of your rights as a citizen and lose all dignity. (Other that being an aviation photographer).

Wow, where the hell have you been serving on Jury Duty? I've been called a number of times, and the process has been painless. Most often, I was on telephone standby, and never even had to report. The times I did report, it involved a lot of sitting around waiting for something to happen - bring a good book and you will be fine. I was always treated with respect by the employees of the courts - judges, officers, and staff.

Twice I was picked for a jury. First time was a medical malpractice case - once we were sworn it, the judge called a recess, and the two sides came to a compromise settlement, something they weren't prepared to do until it was time to put on their case. Second time was just last August - someone was suing MTA/LI Bus and the bus driver for damages after his car had a collision with one of their buses. We went through the trial, and deliberations, finally finding for the defendant bus driver.

Yes, it's inconvenient, and can be boring when you are waiting for a case, but NY has made improvements to ease the burden on prospective jurors. I actually enjoyed the process of being on a jury. It gives you new insight to the American judicial process, and a new respect for the system. I'm not sure I would want the NYCA crowd on the jury if I was involved in a trial :D but it's good to know we have a fair system of justice.

Matt Molnar
2007-02-21, 01:19 PM
I see Senga's point. The staff are generally nice, but you're essentially locked in a building, you're herded around like school kids, and you can only eat at designated times.

2007-02-21, 01:44 PM
I see Senga's point. The staff are generally nice, but you're essentially locked in a building, you're herded around like school kids, and you can only eat at designated times.

And how much different is that from many jobs?

Matt Molnar
2007-02-21, 02:03 PM

2007-02-21, 02:53 PM
John, Well John I wish have you experiences. Its obviously based on the city you do it in. You sound like you are one of those that enjoy the process. That in itself would give you a appreciation for being called up. My parents are the type that LOVE Jury duty as well. They used to put in a request for it frequently....and would always complain when I would get it and they woudln't. Having to wait for a phone call? I can see why the process didn't bother you :)

John your impresison of hours court and government system, is vastly different than mine. For me I try to stay away from it as much as possible. Everytime I check the mail I hope I don't get a letter from the office of ***** . Or any governemt mail. But that is a topic all in its self so I won't go there.

For me its has been in Chicago in the "DAYLEY CENTER" YOU DON"T want jury duty ANYWHERE in Cook County. I also had to do it in Selma Alabama and one time for Tuckahoe, NY- luckily the Tuckahoe one didn't materialize into me haivng to go anywhere.

Thats a good way to put it Gotham,
You are hearded around..and expected to do what they say without any question or you run into problem. Some of the ones I have been in the Judge wont even allow gum. You can't ware what you want. You can't even go to the bathroom when you want. I am forced to "Rise" for someone who I have never met? Who is part of a system what I don't not agree with? But I do so out of fear.

I remember sitting there one time and they lady was like "I can't do jury duty, its when my final nurses examinations test are and I really have to be there for this. The judge was like well you can reschedual that. Request Denied. Its like all those people in there have those cushy gvmt jobs for life from the cleark to the Judge and they all know each other and ar all nice to each there and treat anyone on the other side of the counter like you are worse than the criminals you will be judging. You are just a body to them and frankly I don't appreciate being forced into a system than doesn't respect my chocie to say NO.

My parents are the type that LOVE Jury duty. They used to put in a request for it frequently....and would always complain when I would get it and she woudln't.

The court system a negative, imperonsal place to be. You you are there because of evil, corrupt or other negative reasons.
Sex crimes,
Muder, Robbery, Political scandals, Hate crimes, Theft
etc etc etc etc.
Nothing that I want to be a part of.

At least with most jobs if you don't want to show you get just get fired :)
Unlike Jury Duty :)

2007-02-21, 11:32 PM
If you're called for jury duty in a place where you don't live, you just check the box on the initial questionnaire that says "I don't live in xxx county," or something like that.

I was called last year for the first time in the 6-ish years since I was able to register to vote. I took a deferment for the original date, and was rescheduled for a few months later. I had a very high number, survived 5 days of telephone standby, and, due to the rules of the jursidiction (Mercer County, NJ), I won't be called for 3 years from the time of my last jury duty notice. I'd like to serve on a jury eventually, but, for a whole host of reasons, now isn't all that convenient.

2007-02-21, 11:37 PM
Thats an Idea and will see wat I can do. I don't know how the system here in FL works....hopfully I'll be outta here before they get to me :)

That three year rule is pretty nice to have


2007-02-22, 12:05 AM
Thats an Idea and will see wat I can do. I don't know how the system here in FL works....hopfully I'll be outta here before they get to me :)

That three year rule is pretty nice to have


If you still have a NYS driver license, voter registration, etc, I don't see how they will call you for jury duty in FL. When I spent 1 1/2 years working in Allentown, PA I kept all my NY stuff, and wasn't called by PA. In the past 25 years, I think I've been called 4 or 5 times.

BTW, in New York, after you get called (even if it's only telephone standby) you are excused for 4 years.

2007-02-22, 01:00 AM
That giver me even less to worry about then. In NY I wou'd thinik I'd only be called in the area that I live (Tuckahoe, NY) is this true?


2007-02-22, 01:20 AM
That giver me even less to worry about then. In NY I wou'd thinik I'd only be called in the area that I live (Tuckahoe, NY) is this true?

Yes - well for the most part. I live in Syosset, and I've had to report to the state supremem court in Mineola where the courts are located in Nassau County. People in Suffolk end up at Yaphank or Riverhead, I think. You normally serve in the county you live in. If I remember correctly, when I was in Allentown, I got a juror questionaire from NY - I noted that I was temporarily working out of state and I wasn't called for another 3 or 4 years (last summer as I mentioned above.)

The main exception to this is if you are called as a juror in federal court. Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Nassau and Suffolk are in the Eastern District of NY, and could be called to the federal courthouse in either Brooklyn or Central Islip. Tuckahoe is in Westchester, right? That's in the Southern District, those courts are in Manhattan, White Plains and Middletown. I think I only know one or two people personally who were ever called for a federal jury.

2007-03-05, 06:37 PM
Served only 1 day--was interviewed for a criminal case--DUI and weapons charge--was excused because of my laundry list of victims of crime in my family and belief that criminal justice system has failed in each instance.

hiss srq
2007-03-05, 06:56 PM
Intresting to note. I guess it helps that I work for an airline up here if I do get called back to Sarasota which is the residence I list as primary.