View Full Version : Hillary Clinton Announces Presidential Run

Matt Molnar
2007-01-20, 03:03 PM
ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=2810072&page=1):

"I'm in," [Clinton] said on a Web site, hillaryclinton.com. "And I'm in to win.

"As a senator, I will spend two years doing everything in my power to limit the damage George W. Bush can do," Clinton's statement added. "But only a new president will be able to undo Bush's mistakes and restore our hope and optimism."

In related news, the conservative magazine Insight claims that operatives of the ever-tolerant Hillary have dug up some interesting dirt about Obama's upbringing: they claim that while living in Indonesia as a teenager, his Muslim stepfather sent Barack to school at a madrassa for four years, and is now trying very hard to cover it up. In his memoir, Obama (whose middle name is Hussein, he'd rather people not realize that either) he doesn't say he went to a madrassa, but a "predominantly Muslim school." [London Times Story (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,11069-2557001,00.html)]

hiss srq
2007-01-20, 03:20 PM
Well I'm announcing my moving back to Jamaica for a few more years and calling a real estate agent now. Got to be prepared...

2007-01-20, 03:47 PM
...and in other news, the sun is once again expected to rise in the east, and set in the west... Now, who couldn't see this coming?

Midnight Mike
2007-01-20, 03:53 PM
"As a senator, I will spend two years doing everything in my power to limit the damage George W. Bush can do," Clinton's statement added. "But only a new president will be able to undo Bush's mistakes and restore our hope and optimism."

Hmmmm? Hope & optimism, but, running on a negative, I am so confused! :lol:

hiss srq
2007-01-20, 03:57 PM
Again proving she is incompetent again showing that she wore a helmet to school and cannot make sense of the easiest stuff

Matt Molnar
2007-01-20, 04:10 PM
Some liberal porn for you:

It's difficult, but trying to look at her without thinking about all the shady **** that she and Bill have done over the years, she's still so fake and repugnant, I don't understand what appeal she has to anybody.

2007-01-20, 04:17 PM
I do not claim alignment to any party. However, I have never like that "woman" and never will.


Midnight Mike
2007-01-20, 06:44 PM
Can't believe that the news is getting this wrong, Clinton has not declared that she is going to run, she has announced another one of those Presidential Exploratory Committees

Democratic senator discloses plans for presidential exploratory committee

2007-01-20, 07:25 PM
True, but then you have this..

"I'm in," she said on a Web site, hillaryclinton.com. "And I'm in to win".

We all know she's running....

2007-01-20, 07:31 PM
This is going to be the most entertaining election we've ever seen. Either we will elect a President or cascade into revolution. I'm hoping for the latter of the two. lol