View Full Version : UK MOSQUES (uncensored)

Midnight Mike
2007-01-17, 08:18 AM
This investigation into Britain's mosques, by Channel 4's respected Dispatches programme,has revealed worrying evidence of just how rife Islamic extremism is among Muslim preachers.




2007-01-17, 11:19 AM
I'm not surprised at all by this. I'll be a little extreme right winged here but I for one do not trust the overall Muslim population of our country. Mosques are a great hiding place for hidden terror cells and no secret can be kept for to long. People know in the Muslim community who's on the level and who's not, but they choose to keep their mouths shut.

2007-01-17, 09:50 PM
I for one do not trust the overall Muslim population of our country. :roll:

Just a quick edit to explain my eyeroll. You can be a republican all you want, that's fine... actually, don't use your political party as an excuse for such an ignorant comment like that because it makes republicans look bad. Replace the word "muslim" with any other minority or religion and it sounds equally as bad. If that's you're reasoning, then overall- all white people are cheeto munching fatass trailer trash. Or overall- all Catholic priests molest the little boys in their congregation while the rest of the followers are out bombing abortion clinics. I obviously know it's not the case.

2007-01-17, 09:56 PM
It has been yanked already

2007-01-19, 05:32 PM
I for one do not trust the overall Muslim population of our country. :roll:

Just a quick edit to explain my eyeroll. You can be a republican all you want, that's fine... actually, don't use your political party as an excuse for such an ignorant comment like that because it makes republicans look bad. Replace the word "muslim" with any other minority or religion and it sounds equally as bad. If that's you're reasoning, then overall- all white people are cheeto munching fatass trailer trash. Or overall- all Catholic priests molest the little boys in their congregation while the rest of the followers are out bombing abortion clinics. I obviously know it's not the case.

Yass don't fool yourself for a second these people will put their so-called God before this country any day of the week. It’s a fact that on 9/11 supposed innocent members of the Muslim community stayed out of lower Manhattan. The terrorists who committed the crimes were members of NJ Mosques and that Muslims in NJ were in the street celebrating the attack. I should trust these people? When they stop putting their god before our nation and realize where their loyalty lies perhaps until then the muslim community should be watched over very carefully.

2007-01-19, 11:29 PM
Um, their "so called God" is the same Judeo-Christian God that is widely accepted in the West. Just as Christianity views itself as an "improvement" on Judaism, Islam views itself as an "improvement" on Christianity. Under the tenets of Islam, Muhammad is the "seal" on a line of prophets that includes Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

2007-01-19, 11:57 PM
Um, their "so called God" is the same Judeo-Christian God that is widely accepted in the West. Just as Christianity views itself as an "improvement" on Judaism, Islam views itself as an "improvement" on Christianity. Under the tenets of Islam, Muhammad is the "seal" on a line of prophets that includes Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

Muhammand is their prophet, Allah is their "God."

Midnight Mike
2007-01-20, 12:04 AM
Um, their "so called God" is the same Judeo-Christian God that is widely accepted in the West. Just as Christianity views itself as an "improvement" on Judaism, Islam views itself as an "improvement" on Christianity. Under the tenets of Islam, Muhammad is the "seal" on a line of prophets that includes Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

Muhammand is their profit, Allah is their "God."

How much money are we talking about? :lol: :D

Matt Molnar
2007-01-20, 01:33 AM
If that's you're reasoning, then overall- all white people are cheeto munching fatass trailer trash. Or overall- all Catholic priests molest the little boys in their congregation while the rest of the followers are out bombing abortion clinics.

There's a major difference between the subgroups you mention and Islam: boy-molesting priests are thoroughly and openly ridiculed and ostracized by Catholics. White trailer trash-types are thoroughly and openly ridiculed by civilized white folks. White trailer trash militants (i.e. Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph) are thoroughly and openly ridiculed by civilized white folks. Yet we hear only whispers of condemnation of Al Qaeda from "moderate" Muslims...generally, their condemnation of America when we fight the extremists seems to be much, much louder. Therefore, is it wrong to question their true loyalties?

Matt Molnar
2007-01-20, 02:59 AM
It’s a fact that on 9/11 supposed innocent members of the Muslim community stayed out of lower Manhattan.
I agree with the spirit of much of what you've said, but this statement is not a fact, and shouldn't be labeled as one. Sure, there were probably people who knew something was going to happen, but it can't be proved. After all, many Muslims died on 9/11. Misinformation is bad on both sides.

2007-01-20, 03:16 AM
I'm not fooling myself at all.

I just don't understand why you choose to persecute EVERYONE in the group because of the several that ****ed up. It's unfair to the Muslims that are actually working hard, busting their asses, and doing right in this country while enjoying their beliefs/supporting their family/etc. It's amazing that you'll automatically dimiss them at the drop of a hat because this technicality.

While you saw the bunch that were cheering in NJ, you fail to recognize the honest Muslims- children & adults- all throughout the country (and the world) that were threatened/physically harmed/harassed/teased, and will continue to be simply because of their way of life/religious beliefs. That's what scares me about what you say because it seems to be the same train of thought running through those people's heads as they continue to torment. Not all threats to this country are Muslims, just as not all Muslims are threats to this country. Matt, my point of bringing up the other groups was to show that you can't just go ahead and cast the WHOLE group off because of the bad seeds.

Related/unrelated: Maybe it'll help to understand where I'm coming from by stating I do not follow nor ever declared any set religion. That may change, but who knows. My mom believed that it should be my decision once I learned more and felt which set of beliefs best reflected my personal beliefs. For the most part I like to keep an open mind and like to learn what I can about the different beliefs. It's funny, I've experienced some of the teasing as well because people think I'm Muslim because of my name. Or when people tease my friends asking if they're terrorists decause of where they're from. Nice, huh? Yet incredibly ignorant. What's even funnier is that the several Muslims in my life have have been some of the most calm/peaceful/kind/loving/family oriented individuals I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Let's see- Mom was raised Catholic but now associates more with Yoruba teachings with a mix of her own beliefs. My Father was Christian, converted to Islam, then is god knows what now..he's no longer in my life. My 36 year old sister decided to follow Yoruba teachings while in her 20s- she (as well as her children- their choice) converted to Islam about 4 years ago. My 30 year old sister follows Yoruba teachings and her sons grew up with it around. Her 14 yr old son has recently decided to go to a Christian church. And while don't follow a set religion, I am dating a Muslim. You name it, my family believes it ;) :P For the most part we respect eachother's beliefs while we learn more about them instead of overgeneralizing.

2007-01-20, 06:42 AM
My only beef, as mentioned earlier, is that the Islamic community has not spoken out against the terrorists. All I see is outrage at Americans for our foreign policy and our racist treatment of Muslims, yet none will turn around and speak out against the terrorists for giving their religion a bad name.

2007-01-20, 09:34 AM
I'm not fooling myself at all.

I just don't understand why you choose to persecute EVERYONE in the group because of the several that ****ed up. It's unfair to the Muslims that are actually working hard, busting their asses, and doing right in this country while enjoying their beliefs/supporting their family/etc. It's amazing that you'll automatically dimiss them at the drop of a hat because this technicality.

While you saw the bunch that were cheering in NJ, you fail to recognize the honest Muslims- children & adults- all throughout the country (and the world) that were threatened/physically harmed/harassed/teased, and will continue to be simply because of their way of life/religious beliefs. That's what scares me about what you say because it seems to be the same train of thought running through those people's heads as they continue to torment. Not all threats to this country are Muslims, just as not all Muslims are threats to this country. Matt, my point of bringing up the other groups was to show that you can't just go ahead and cast the WHOLE group off because of the bad seeds.

Related/unrelated: Maybe it'll help to understand where I'm coming from by stating I do not follow nor ever declared any set religion. That may change, but who knows. My mom believed that it should be my decision once I learned more and felt which set of beliefs best reflected my personal beliefs. For the most part I like to keep an open mind and like to learn what I can about the different beliefs. It's funny, I've experienced some of the teasing as well because people think I'm Muslim because of my name. Or when people tease my friends asking if they're terrorists decause of where they're from. Nice, huh? Yet incredibly ignorant. What's even funnier is that the several Muslims in my life have have been some of the most calm/peaceful/kind/loving/family oriented individuals I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Let's see- Mom was raised Catholic but now associates more with Yoruba teachings with a mix of her own beliefs. My Father was Christian, converted to Islam, then is god knows what now..he's no longer in my life. My 36 year old sister decided to follow Yoruba teachings while in her 20s- she (as well as her children- their choice) converted to Islam about 4 years ago. My 30 year old sister follows Yoruba teachings and her sons grew up with it around. Her 14 yr old son has recently decided to go to a Christian church. And while don't follow a set religion, I am dating a Muslim. You name it, my family believes it ;) :P For the most part we respect eachother's beliefs while we learn more about them instead of overgeneralizing.

Yaas 3000 people who died on 9/11 while there is very strong evidence some in the Muslim community knew something was up is a bit more then a "technicality". So why should I trust the overall community of Muslims when they continue to prove their allegiance is not with the U.S? If the majority doesn't feel what is being done to them is fair then they need to step in and stop the hate that "some, not all" as you say are spreading.

2007-01-20, 03:16 PM

hiss srq
2007-01-20, 03:53 PM
The muslum community is a very commited to their beleifs. Blindly so. They remind me of a half retarted Rat and being half Albanian I can say this I think because I have relatives who follow the faith. They are like half retarted rats in the sense that they will follow the cheese that these fanatics onm the other side of the pond hangs it. We must stick together etc etc.. Let me put it to you this way. You live in our country, you reap our benifits, you utilize or system to your benefit so either you will help the nation you live in or you will be eyed like a cancer cell a test lab and get the heck out of here. Bottom line. Everyone says this is not fair to the muslums etc etc etc... Well I do not see blonde hair blue eyes Billy Joseph Horton out there planting a MD-11 into buildings, sending money to fundimentalist nut cases, video tapeing a nuclear power plant. Lets not get dilusional here 35 year old Muhammed Al Faweed is certainly not there with a camera for a science fair project. They want to wear the shoe than they need to expect to get the polish that goes on it. If they do not like it than get out. Either your hjere because you like this nation, want to help it be great, support it, and be a true American or you do not and if you can't get off the fence pretty much my opinion is here let me help you over. (Swift kick in the ass over to the other side)

I am not a racest person by nature but in reality this is what the deal is unfortuneately in this nation right now. If you live here show you want to stay. If you live here and do not want to help our nation and goverment well than meet my Uncle. His name is Sam.