View Full Version : Lost Passport

hiss srq
2006-11-24, 02:28 PM
Well I am planning out my next major non rev trip and I am thinking it is time to go revisit Jamaica since I have not been there since I lived there for school and I am looking around for my passport when it hits me that the last time I saw that thing was in the hotel down in Charlotte while I was over in school. Basically I have given up on finding it my house looks like a hurricane has hit it I have been looking soo hard. What are the steps to reporting a lost passport number one and number two I forget how much they cost to replace or get because my folks always handled that for me. Thanks in advance folks....

2006-11-24, 02:34 PM

2006-11-24, 06:41 PM
Gotta love the "The Google" as our fearless President calls it.