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Midnight Mike
2006-10-12, 10:07 PM
http://i.euniverse.com/funpages/cms_con ... HoDown.swf (http://i.euniverse.com/funpages/cms_content/13180/HillaryCondi_HoDown.swf)

2006-10-12, 10:20 PM
That's great Mike.

I wouldn't vote for Condi if Hitler ran against her. She has proven to be a yes man or woman in this case with no backbone or opinion of her own. The only thing she does is articulate in an intelligent manner what Bush wants to do and his policies aren't the most intelligent. Whether she agrees or disagrees, I have no idea.

There are reasons why Colin Powl left, IMO there were some great moral issues behind it. He's someone we need to run this country, he knows foreign policy, understands the American people, he has truly served this country, and understands the price of freedom. The administration made a mockery of him.

hiss srq
2006-10-13, 08:46 AM
I like it iand if Clinton ran i would vote for anyone to stop her. Condi is okay though not as bad as she is sometimes made to be.

Art at ISP
2006-10-13, 10:14 AM
I would vote for anyone who could stop Pillary Clinton.

She is as crooked as the day is long, and she belongs in prison let alone the White House. From selling rooms in the White House to crooked campaign contributions to complicity in Vince Foster's death, she is bad.

I also think she'd make a terrible president.

ANYONE but Pillary.

2006-10-13, 10:22 AM
Amen, Art, Amen.

2006-10-31, 11:58 AM
Hmm.... how can a women (or man) have respect for anything else, if she can't respect herself enough to leave her cheating husband?? I don't see how you can let something like that slide...what else would she let slide? :?:

not to mention...it seems to me like Hillary does what she does for publicity....why come to NY and not stay in Arkansas? it's because NY is a highly talked about state. i don't get it...she annoys me.

2006-10-31, 05:37 PM
I hate both of them, I'd vote independent or just not vote at all (if there's a difference).

2006-10-31, 05:46 PM
The only thing she does is articulate in an intelligent manner what Bush wants to do and his policies aren't the most intelligent.

That's because that is her job. She's in the President's cabinet becuase she's supposed to do what he says.

When she leaves, then she will be able to share her own opinions publily.

2006-10-31, 05:53 PM
[quote="T-Bird76":aa97a]The only thing she does is articulate in an intelligent manner what Bush wants to do and his policies aren't the most intelligent.

That's because that is her job. She's in the President's cabinet becuase she's supposed to do what he says.

When she leaves, then she will be able to share her own opinions publily.[/quote:aa97a]

So you admit her job is to be a yes man? She is an advisor who is suppose help steer our country in the right direction; so far it looks like she's a puppet. The cabinet of this administration is so Jacksonian it’s breathtaking. If she had half a backbone she'd leave like Powell did.

2006-10-31, 09:38 PM
Anyone but another Clinton in the office! That is all I have to say!

Granted, Condi isn't my favorite choice but it is better than the alternative.