View Full Version : The Yankees and Joe Torre

2006-10-09, 11:28 AM
As a Mets fan and a Yankee hater, it brought me such great pleasure to see an early exit for the NYY. However, Joe Torre is one of the best managers in the game and I don't think it's fair for Steinbrenner to fire him. I admit I don't know too much about Torre and his managing. I can care less. But what are your thoughts if Torre gets the axe?

PS--Let's go Mets!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-09, 11:32 AM
Hey the old man wants to win, Torre isn't winning so he's OUT!

2006-10-09, 01:30 PM
However, Joe Torre is one of the best managers in the game and I don't think it's fair for Steinbrenner to fire him.

As a Met fan, I'm always glad to see turmoil in the Bronx. However, it should be remembered that Torre wasn't considered one of the best managers in the game when he managed the Mets, Braves or Cardinals. In 14 seasons with those clubs, he managed one division championship. When teamed up with Steinbrenner's billions, he looked like a genius. The last few years, he has done little to motivate the team. One Yankee (I forget who it was) in trying to defend Torre over the weekend said "It's not his fault we lost, he just fills out the lineup card and sits on the bench." I think that's the problem right there - for too many years, you got the feeling he was sitting there next to Don Zimmer thinking "Hey, there's a pretty good game going on out there, let's watch." And for many years, that was all that was needed - put the right guys in the right spots and get out of their way. Now, when it came time to motivate this crew, to get them to work together as a team rather than a collection of high-priced talent, he didn't get the job done. Maybe it's just a case of being in the job too long, and his message has gotten stale, but I think it's time for a change.

hiss srq
2006-10-09, 02:00 PM
Look without Joe the yanks would not be the yanks now if we could manageto get the ego's of *******s like Arod under control etc and get them to play consistant than we would be alright.

2006-10-09, 02:24 PM
Look without Joe the yanks would not be the yanks now if we could manageto get the ego's of *******s like Arod under control etc and get them to play consistant than we would be alright.

Oh someone sounds likes a bitter Yankees fan now....! LOL He's gone kiss him goodbye!!!! George is going to get Trump to say "YOUR FIRED" and boot his ass out the door!!!!! Bye Bye Joey!

Matt Molnar
2006-10-09, 02:44 PM
The Yankees put together undoubtedly one of the best lineups, some say the best, in the history of baseball. There are no outs in that lineup, 1 through 9 are all dangerous, they had the first and second runners up for the AL batting title, and there's a past or present All-Star at every position. As nice as another Subway Series would be, the Yankees are the only team American League team I was afraid of the Mets playing in the World Series (should they make it).

Since 2000, the Yankees have spent just under $1 BILLION in payroll, with not one World Series ring to show for it. During this time period they also suffered most disastrous and embarassing collapse in the history of American sports: their implosion against the Red Sox in 2003. If one or two guys don't perform, you can blame them individually. But if a team of all-stars and a couple of future hall-of-famers continuously fails to get the job done when it really matters, it is clearly a problem with leadership. How Torre has survived this long is simply mind-boggling to me.

2006-10-09, 02:56 PM
now if we could manage to get the ego's of *******s like Arod under control etc and get them to play consistant than we would be alright.

Yes, but that right there is Torre's job as a manager - one he failed miserably at the last few years. Yes, he's a nice man, but that's not reason enough to keep his job.

hiss srq
2006-10-09, 04:12 PM
I think we just need to dip into the farm a little more were trading more and more and the key to our success in the past was that we would pull players from the farm. That is the way you mold players into team players not like these asswads we have today playing they are all self teams as I like to call them. So once we solve that we will have a team. Joe should stay in my opinion. I just think george would be a moron to get rid of him.

USAF Pilot 07
2006-10-09, 05:55 PM
Here's my theory on why I think the Yankees really haven't been playing as well as they once did. You might think I'm crazy, but I am a huge Yankees fan, (I bought MLBtv to watch the games) and I've watched most of the games this year, so it's not like I don't know what I'm talking about. I think the Yankees have too much "talent" and not enough cohesiveness because of it.

Yes the Yankees have an extremely dangerous lineup on paper, but what has that lineup been able to accomplish when it really matters? Too much talent trying to do too much; it doesn't work.

Looking back at the "Dynasty" 1996-2001 when the Yankees were the most solid they've been in the last 10 years, they had a lot more "no name" players all contributing. The Scott Brosius', Jim Leyritz's, Tino Martinez's, under the leadership of great veterans like Bernie Williams, Paul O'neill and the younger up and coming star Derek Jeter.

Now look back at the 2nd half of the season when Matsui, Sheff and Cano were out. It was the "no-name" guys, like Melky Cabrera, Miguel Cairo, Nick Green, Andy Phillips and Craig Wilson who stepped up, really shined and had a large part in helping the Yankees play IMO the best baseball they did all year.

I think a lot of that can be attributed to them being players, with no playing guarantees, looking to shine and being led by players like Derek Jeter and the like.

I also think the whole A-rod media frenzy really took a toll on the rest of the Yankees and that starting pitching played a huge part in the Yankees' demise. (but that's nothing new).

As ludicrous as it may sound, the Yankees I think need to get rid of A-Rod and make a ton of other trades/no pickup options to really get back on track.

2006-10-09, 06:07 PM
I think the Yankees have too much "talent" and not enough cohesiveness because of it.

I think you're correct - everyone is a superstar, no one wants to do the little stuff needed to win.

I also think the whole A-rod media frenzy really took a toll on the rest of the Yankees and that starting pitching played a huge part in the Yankees' demise. (but that's nothing new).

As ludicrous as it may sound, the Yankees I think need to get rid of A-Rod and make a ton of other trades/no pickup options to really get back on track.

Have you been reading the NY papers the last couple of days? That's been a recurring theme. Also, St. Derek hasn't been without his detractors in all this - he was quick to voice support for Giambi during the steroids news, but was conspicuously silent when A-Rod was getting bashed by teammates in the media. Jeter has never shown any acceptance of A-Rod as a teammate, and I think that has affected A-Rod's performance and attitude. But yes, I think for everyone's sake, A-Rod needs to be elsewhere in 2007.

hiss srq
2006-10-09, 06:23 PM
Thank you this is exactly what I think and Jeter is quite a nice and humble guy generally. I had the privladge to meet him by accidentonthe Kumbawith my cousin at Bush Gardens TPA a few years ago and he is a terrific person and very nice. There is a reason why Jeter does not accept ass-rod as a yankee and such. Now let the team get backtothe basics and get somepitching this time around. George get on your Beechjet 400 and take a vactaion get off of Joes ass