View Full Version : Your Caffiene for the day?

Alex T
2006-09-21, 10:11 AM
Ok I know I misspelled it but I don't know how to spell it.

Every morning I wake up and go to work or class, and everyone is holding something, whether its Soda, or Coffee or some type of drink, ie red bull.

I was curious if you do drink in the morning what do you drink or what can you not be seen without in the morning?

For me I tryt o grab a coke or mountain dew each morning.

Otherwise, I am screwed for the morning.


2006-09-21, 10:20 AM
I never used to have a morning necessity of a drink, but now that I am out the door by 7:15 and not back home until 12 hours later, I need something.

All summer it's been: Medium 1/2 decaf, 1/2 regular iced coffee w/extra skim milk, sweet n' low and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

When it's cold out, I drink English Breakfast tea w/Skim milk.

Alex T
2006-09-21, 10:24 AM
I forgot about Tea, Tea only tastes good to me in the summer when its ice cold (the drink), I can't imagine warm tea at all blech.

Your drink sounds very tasty, almost desert like.

Is that drink found at starbucks or another place?

That's another thing, you sure have to have a tolerance to drink coffee, I absolutely love the smell of it but can't stand the taste of it!


Midnight Mike
2006-09-21, 10:27 AM
I usually don't need, if I need something, the closest that I get is some Ginsen Drops.

2006-09-21, 11:02 AM
I get it at Guy n Gallard. I usually refuse to go to Starbucks. Also, I just have them put the coffee in the cup, I do the milk, sweet n low and cinnamon. I don't trust anyone else. ;)

Hot tea is awesome....except it makes you have to peeeeee!

2006-09-21, 11:05 AM
If I can only get MidnightMike's blood and slow drip the IV into my system, I wouldnt need the beans!

Most of the year, its dunkin donuts
large iced coffee, skim milk, one sugar. And @ my local dunkin donuts, the owner takes care of me, he's a real good guy.

If I brew at home, I have three options:

a. quickest is the percolator drip style, in a full mug, skim milk and maybe 1 sugar...equates to 3 cups of coffee.

b. For a bit of zing, maybe one a month, triple espresso, a dab of skim, 1 sugar

c. For those mornings where I can take a bit of time and make a quality cup of java, I use the french press, boil the water, grind the beans coarse and steep for 5 minutes before drinking, black. I enjoy this best.

Sometimes I'll bring home a bag of beans from Starbucks, Yergacheffe, or Komodo Dragon. But Fairway was a great variety of beans.

Its 1100.. I've worked out thus far and have not had a cup yet.....be right back.

2006-09-21, 11:09 AM
In the morning I generally don't do coffee all that much however in the afternoon we do our Starbucks run. My entire dept is hooked on Starbucks to the point my boss gets excited when we say we are going. I take a Grande Cafe Moca with two shots! We challeged each other two weeks ago who can do the most shots in their Starbucks, god we were freaking jumping over the cube walls. It was crazy.

2006-09-21, 12:29 PM
I know the truth about your TARGET Starbucks runs, Tommy. You devil. :twisted:

Alex T
2006-09-21, 12:30 PM
I actually can imagine Tom bouncing all over the walls......

2006-09-21, 12:35 PM
I usually don't need caffeine, but my glass of OJ every morning is absolutely required! Every so often when I need a boost I'll have a cup of regular tea with sugar. I used to have coffee instead, but realized it upset my stomach.

On the drive home from work, if I'm falling asleep at the wheel, I'll stop by Starbucks and get a Frappuccino. And when I'm REALLY tired I'll have them put in a handful of coffee beans before they blend it! That really wakes me up!


2006-09-21, 12:53 PM
Steve, good point. Does anyone here feel they need it??

I'm not addicted and usually dont have any coffee on MOnday and Sundays. come to think of it.....I still havent had my cup yet today.

be right back!!

Alex T
2006-09-21, 01:02 PM

watch him come back without his cup :twisted: :twisted:

2006-09-21, 01:11 PM
I absolutely have to have my small dose of caffeine every day, especially on weekends, to avoid migraines. It's actually an inconvenience. boo.

2006-09-21, 01:20 PM
shoot, ok, be right back

2006-09-21, 01:23 PM
I know the truth about your TARGET Starbucks runs, Tommy. You devil. :twisted:

Well thats the other reason we go...... :twisted: :twisted:

Alex T
2006-09-21, 01:27 PM
shoot, ok, be right back


Did you forget Mario?

Matt Molnar
2006-09-21, 02:00 PM
I absolutely have to have my small dose of caffeine every day, especially on weekends, to avoid migraines. It's actually an inconvenience. boo.

I get headaches too if I don't drink coffee. I'm pretty sure it's a symptom of caffeine withdrawal.

My ideal caffeine fix is a large hazelnut Turbo Ice from Dunkin Donuts with regular milk and sugar. (For the unfamiliar...Turbo Ice = regular iced coffee with a shot of espresso poured in).

When I don't have time to go to DD on my way to work, I go to the cafeteria in the Hearst Tower and make my own version of Turbo Ice, with the addition of cinammon syrup, and I use skim instead of whole. They use Starbucks coffee which I like better, and it's slightly cheaper, but it's more labor.

To change it up, I'll go to Starbucks and get an iced venti skim no-whip mocha.

And in extreme cases, sugarfree Red Bull, which delivers a better kick than regular Red Bull, and without the sugar, you don't crash after an hour.

2006-09-21, 02:52 PM
All summer it's been: Medium 1/2 decaf, 1/2 regular iced coffee w/extra skim milk, sweet n' low and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Wow, talk about a girlie drink :!:

For me, it's coffee, black, no decaf, no milk, no sugar, no other stuff.

You haven't lived until you've picked up coffee from the flight kitchen at O'dark thirty (in a big metal jug) plugged it in to the little galley in the KC-135, and found out an hour into the flight that the unmarked on/off switch for the heater is installed backwards so now you have a jug of cold coffee, which, about an hour after you flip the switch the other way, will get warm enough to drink. Try some of that coffee eight hours into a flight...

2006-09-21, 02:57 PM
Heeeey - it wouldn't sound so girly without the 1/2 decaf-1/2 regular....but I HAVE to do that, b/c TOO much caffeine also causes my migraines. I can't win!

I guess the words sprinkle and cinnamon in the same sentence make it kind of frilly, too - huh? :P

2006-09-21, 03:30 PM
for me, coffee is only a winter drink, best served in a cup covered in deicing fluid. summers it's usually pepsi or coke for a caffeine fixation.

mosse, had some of that good old flightline coffee you speak of... used to clean you right out!

Alex T
2006-09-21, 04:12 PM
Damn you all.

You are making me wanna rush to starbucks, and the closest one that has what I want is 2 hours away!! :(

I usually get my starbucks when I fly to Washington DC/BWI Area, damn they are all over the place!


hiss srq
2006-09-21, 04:29 PM
I hit the starbucks on the way to and from SRQ

2006-09-21, 04:30 PM
Damn you all.

You are making me wanna rush to starbucks, and the closest one that has what I want is 2 hours away!! :(

I usually get my starbucks when I fly to Washington DC/BWI Area, damn they are all over the place!


Where do you live...East Bumblefu- oh, wait...you do!

Matt Molnar
2006-09-21, 04:33 PM
You are making me wanna rush to starbucks, and the closest one that has what I want is 2 hours away!! :(

What do you want that the nearest one doesn't have? To my knowledge they all have the same stuff, with the exception of the ones in Flushing and Chinatown, which serve bubble tea.

Alex T
2006-09-21, 04:34 PM
Damn you all.

You are making me wanna rush to starbucks, and the closest one that has what I want is 2 hours away!! :(

I usually get my starbucks when I fly to Washington DC/BWI Area, damn they are all over the place!


Where do you live...East Bumblefu- oh, wait...you do!

heeeeey :(

What do you want that the nearest one doesn't have? To my knowledge they all have the same stuff, with the exception of the ones in Flushing and Chinatown, which serve bubble tea.

I don't live in New York :P

I live in Southern Illinois, so I have to drive all the way to St. Louis to get my starbucks.


2006-09-21, 04:35 PM
Alex is referring to a guy he has a crush on. Extra cream!

Alex T
2006-09-21, 04:39 PM
Alex is referring to a guy he has a crush on. Extra cream!

:shock: :shock:

Who the hell told you that?! I am gonna beat Tom....(no not that way tho im sure he'd enjoy it...)

I actually don't like cream in my Starbucks order :P

2006-09-21, 04:53 PM
oy vey :roll:

Alex T
2006-09-21, 04:54 PM
oy vey :roll:

I blame Tom :twisted: