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View Full Version : Sudanese IL-62 (ST-PRA) visits (JFK) PIX

2006-09-20, 10:27 PM
This Sudanese IL-62 (ST-PRA) will probably be the highlight of VIP Week 2006 and more than likely my personal highlight of the year. The IL-62 flew in as "Sudan Zero Zero One". It was spotted at IAD over the last few days so I was hoping that it would fly back during the days on its return trip.
As usual I will post a final report soon with pix and text when this VIP Week is over. But I had to post this particular aircraft now.
I almost missed it because for more of the approach I though the controller and Pilot kept saying "New Dawn" (EOS Callsign) as opposed to "Sudan" I realized ti was something different when the pilot switched to my other another scanner and said "Sudan Zero Zero One (HEAVY)"!

2006-09-20, 10:53 PM
No clones this time, that's the real Senga for sure. Great shots, love the last one with the Sea Gull, probably as rare as they come !



2006-09-20, 11:00 PM
WOW!! Those are some top notch shots Senga...how I wish I had been at the departure end of that flight, lol. I'm glad you caught it man - I think these are the first pictures of this particular aircraft (at least I couldn't find any other ones - anywhere!). Congrats Senga! :)

-Omar S.

hiss srq
2006-09-20, 11:11 PM
It has been said once and said many times STUPID BIRDS!!

2006-09-20, 11:13 PM
Nice shots Senga, as always!

2006-09-21, 12:07 AM
That's the most immaculate looking IL62 I've ever seen! Incredible catch, Senga...looking forward to your review of the whole week.


2006-09-21, 06:38 AM
Thanks guys,
VIP week 2006 has been morbidly disappointing for me based on the quality and quantity of the planes. I have only pulled out about 4 new operators this time around thus brining down my spirits. However getting a plane like the Sudanese makes up for the overriding doubles shots.

Overtime I looks at that pi I jet get so excited-Somebody stop me!

2006-09-21, 07:48 AM
I saw that plane over by the Post Office where the leader of Sudan was getting on. I couldn't believe how clean the plane was! When I got home I searched online for other instances of that plane and there are none. How has this plane never been photographed before?

Great shots, Senga. I wish I had been able to get side on shots. I was going to wait for it to taxi to get a better shot, but the in-laws flight got in and I had to pick them up, so all I got was the ass end of it.

2006-09-21, 10:57 AM
Great stuff Senga! I have to say for me, this week is a treat. I never saw an Il62 and this week and I saw 3. What a thrill!

Steve, that is a great shot of it! That ass end is so unique!

2006-09-21, 11:55 AM
this guy had a hell of an approach coming in on sunday.. he came in litrally banked 60 degrees over jetblues hangar 81 (13L).. tried to level off about over where t5 and aborted landing... needless to say.. atc was SCREAMING at them..

2006-09-21, 12:50 PM
When did he come in on Sunday? I know an Il-62 came in the afternoon around 1800, but when did he arrive?

Ya know, that is why we should still take video :)

2006-09-21, 01:01 PM
I don't think you would last very long these days if you showed up at an airport with a video camera. Getting people to accept still photography has been a big enough challenge. Video, now that's going to take some time.

2006-09-21, 01:11 PM
I don't think you would last very long these days if you showed up at an airport with a video camera. Getting people to accept still photography has been a big enough challenge. Video, now that's going to take some time.

Hell, it's just a regular camera with an ultra-high speed burst of 25fps! :)

2006-09-21, 09:59 PM
I think this is my 4th IL-62 operator

I have photographed the:
Gambian Governemt IL-62
State Transport Company of Russian IL-62s Grey & White (Many Times)
Ukraine Government IL-62
Sudan Government IL-62

Dunno if I forgot one or not.

Jonesbeach. Its looks clean because its hasnt really ben used much. I had been told the history of the planes and its vurually new- as not being used.

2006-09-21, 10:17 PM
I saw that plane over by the Post Office where the leader of Sudan was getting on. I couldn't believe how clean the plane was! When I got home I searched online for other instances of that plane and there are none. How has this plane never been photographed before?

That is one clean IL62. It has been photographed before as I've seen two pics of it taken last year. Seems like it was painted like this in 2005, that's also why it's so clean. I wonder who the last operator was?

By the way, what exactly was ATC saying/screaming at him?

Matt Molnar
2006-09-21, 10:22 PM
Great example of the difference between rich democracies and poor dictatorships. The president of Sudan has his own private jet, despite doing very little travel and his country being extremely poor. This while the leaders of very powerful rich nations like the UK, Australia, Canada and many others fly chartered commercial jets.

hiss srq
2006-09-21, 10:25 PM
And the ego's that go with the dictators is amazing to boot. They think they are the smsrtest people on earth etc.... That plane is still amazing in my opinion. I wish that someone would have gotten the Iranian wack job's bird somehow. It suproses me he had the nads to come to NY though

2006-09-22, 06:28 AM
"Dictators" aren't so bad, if it were not for them we wouldn't be getting these RARE and Old School aircraft :)


Mr Smith
2006-09-24, 09:32 PM
well done mate! that's an immaculate looking machine...she was delivered in jan 2006 as new, but built in 1993. be probably the newest il62 flying.

2006-09-24, 10:03 PM
well done mate! that's an immaculate looking machine...she was delivered in jan 2006 as new, but built in 1993. be probably the newest il62 flying.

Wow, that new?! Wonderful!

Great shots Senga!

2006-09-24, 10:06 PM
Yea, is and an old-new plane...Hasnt really been flown but was made in mid 90s I think.