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View Full Version : NYCAviation 2006 Picnic: The Aftermath

2006-07-30, 06:52 PM
Ok, guys, this is where you post your pictures form the day (aviaition or of the people) and talk about what you did and what you thought.

I'll post again later, still cleaning up!

Thanks to all thsoe who came and contributed!


2006-07-30, 06:59 PM
Don't mind the typos, Phil is running around like a chicken without it's head right now.

Thanks to everyone who came! Fortunately the weather turned out nice (god awful hot, but no t-storms!)

It was great to finally put faces to the names of people I've seen on the boards for months.

I hope everyone enjoyed the food, festivities and the raffle! :D

2006-07-30, 07:31 PM
It was a pleasure to finally meet you all. Phil, great prizes. This was alot of fun. Hope I can come again sometime.

Sam (Shmuel) Ziegler

2006-07-30, 08:05 PM
I think I may have a picture or two to post later.....Thanks guys, sorry I had to leave so fast..... -Derf

2006-07-30, 08:31 PM
Hey Everyone,

I want to thank you all so much for coming out and spending your day with us. It was hot, but nice and we seem to have made the best of it. We had a great turnout, close to 40 people, and everyone contributed in some way. A large percentage of the attendees were people we’ve never met before. I really hope you guys keep in touch and continue to come out.

I want to thank everyone that got in on the raffle. Your contributions are very helpful and I sincerely appreciate it. Thanks also to everyone who is eager to volunteer on the site. (email me and I’ll add your name to the volunteer list).

I hope you folks enjoyed the raffle and had a good day. I had an absolutely wonderful time. I also thought it was very nice that a lot of our new friends that came won raffle prizes.

If you ended up with an NYCAviation T-Shirt certificate, PM or email me, and I’ll give you my mailing address to send it to me, and I’ll get you your shirts.

I’m sorry I didn’t get to talk to each of you guys a little more. So many new faces, but I hope you guys come out again so we can chat more.

Thanks again to all of you!


Petr Garaj
2006-07-30, 08:36 PM
No, Phil, thanks to you and to the NYCAviation.com team. It was really a beuatiful sunday and I had a lot of fun. So thank you guys, must have been a lot of work for you and you're everytime welcome in Prague. There is an international spotter meeting on the end of August.

2006-07-30, 09:04 PM
Did that camera guy piss anyone else off? HAHAH I had alot of fun today, thanks so much Phil and Mel for your excellent planning it turned out great!!!!

Heres my damage for the day, one photo that didn't turn out totally crappy.

again thanks for the great sunday!

2006-07-30, 09:20 PM
It was fantastic to meet so many new faces today. We really have some great people in our community. I hope everyone had as much as a great time as I did.

2006-07-30, 09:21 PM
Congrats on the great event, it was really neat meeting everyone.

2006-07-30, 09:45 PM
Likewise. Phil and Melly it was a great day! Thank you for putting it together. The food was great, the raffles were awsome. Great to meet some new people and catch up with those I haven't seen in a while. Just too bad we didn't get to see those Rhinos depart :cry: But hey, I get out of work a little early tomorrow and they are supposed to depart at 3! Anyone game? Thanks again Phil and Mel and to everyone that showed up. It was truly a pleasure!

2006-07-30, 11:14 PM
























Iberia A340-600
2006-07-30, 11:28 PM
Thanks Mel and Phil, I had a great time! The weather was pretty nice and I enjoyed the traffic from LGA taking off so close by and coming over the park. What more could an aviation picnic have? (well maybe a picnic on Maho :lol:)

Great to see everyone again and meet new people.

You got some great shots there Derf, you got me in two of them!

My photos from LGA didn't turn out to well but I have three decent shots to share including the Pink Song, was that the surprise? I headed out to JFK afterwards and hit Burger King for the time. Not one hassle from the cops and got some nice traffic including the Iberia A340-600 :D.

Hope to see you all soon!


2006-07-30, 11:30 PM
Phil and Tommy, ready for a week in the woods:


Planting the flag...




Just for you, Melanie:


"No Dad, you're doing it wrong!"








The whole (mostly) motley crew:

Had a great time today. Thanks Phil & Melanie for all the work in making this happen. It was great meeting everyone, getting to put faces to the names on this forum. We really have a great group here, I hope to see you all again soon.

2006-07-31, 11:24 AM
I think I may have a picture or two to post later.....

the biggest understatement of the year

LOL great shots everyone!

Good thing I didnt wear those new Prada sunglasses.

Matt Molnar
2006-07-31, 11:31 AM
Glad to see everyone had fun. I am still cursing the traffic on the Garden State that prevented me from making it back from Atlantic City in time. :evil:

2006-07-31, 11:40 AM
sorry to miss you!

ANd it was great to see everyone out there!

Also, I have to give KUDOS to Phil. I have always said this is a great site. But Phil, the fact that you have these outings and bring people together is wonderful. ITs a great way to bring a hobby and families together.

Great Job!

2006-07-31, 05:00 PM
I am still pissed that I had to work and missed it.

Thanks guys for taking pics, I was there in spirit at least.

2006-07-31, 10:38 PM
Well, it took me and my gang a full hour going and almost 2 hours heading home just to cross the GWB.

But it was important to us and that's why we did it.

(next time try have an outing when the Yankees aren't having a game please)

Big thanks to Phil, Mel and Tommy!
Well done.

2006-07-31, 10:39 PM
Wonderful photos everyone. Thanks Phil and Mel for a great day! Thanks to Tom and John and anyone else who helped drag everything over. I'm glad I got a chance to meet you all, even though I don't post very often. BTW, I love my Harmony 757. I guess this means I have to start a collection :)

2006-07-31, 10:41 PM
Well, it took me and my gang a full hour going and almost 2 hours heading home just to cross the GWB.

But it was important to us and that's why we did it.

(next time try have an outing when the Yankees aren't having a game please)

Big thanks to Phil, Mel and Tommy!
Well done.

Mike I'm really glad you came! It was good seeing you and finally meeting your family. I know how it is to leave Phil's when there's a game. I've gotten stuck in Mets traffic not fun but worth it.

Midnight Mike
2006-07-31, 10:44 PM
BTW, I love my Harmony 757. I guess this means I have to start a collection :)

Hey Baby-Belly!

You mean Mario did not grab your Harmony 757 already? :lol:

2006-07-31, 11:35 PM
NO I didnt grab her Harmony yet....

I was going to murmer a comment about grabbing her
DeHavilland AHEM........ Never mind ;)

2006-07-31, 11:50 PM
(next time try have an outing when the Yankees aren't having a game please)

They did win 4-2 on that day.

Midnight Mike
2006-08-01, 12:15 AM
NO I didnt grab her Harmony yet....

I was going to murmer a comment about grabbing her
DeHavilland AHEM........ Never mind ;)

You did that already! Remember, baby? :lol:

2006-08-01, 09:28 AM
(next time try have an outing when the Yankees aren't having a game please)

They did win 4-2 on that day.


2006-08-01, 09:41 AM
Melly, I take it you didn't like my hat. You are going to have to photoshop a Met hat on me. lol

2006-08-01, 01:00 PM
Melly, I take it you didn't like my hat. You are going to have to photoshop a Met hat on me. lol

Yankee fans on NYCA? Not in THIS group photo. Bet you won't find one. ;)


Iberia A340-600
2006-08-01, 04:00 PM
Edited another cool shot:


USAF Pilot 07
2006-08-01, 06:18 PM
Wow, looks like it was a great time, and a grea turnout! Glad the weather turned out well. What great pics!

Unfortunately I could not make it because I was in Florida, but I look forward to meeting a lot of you sometime down the road!

2006-08-01, 08:05 PM
LOL, My Rep! It doesn't look right on me. Good Job though Mel. 8) Now I'll have to hide.