View Full Version : F14's are Coming!

2006-06-10, 04:25 PM
Some visitors to FRG . .

1)On Wednesday rwy 1-19 will be closed so some rich people can drive their Porsches on and off the high speed taxiways onto the runway.

2)The Good year blimp will be on the field for two more days (or one)

3)Two F14 arrivals are expected at KFRG on the 14th or 15th of this month. (I'm not sure of the date but they are definately coming)

**BTW did anyone here know that when Glass-Cockpit AViation (a Flight school here) opened up that they gave free flights in their Cirrus's, some of the controllers here got a ride!

Anyway that's everything for now . . . . . . :arrow:

2006-06-11, 09:45 AM
arriving around 0930 on Thursday, leaving friday around 1300.

2006-06-12, 12:00 AM
I should be out at FRG Thursday morning to catch the F14s coming in (it sure beats going to work on time).

Is anyone else planning on heading over?

2006-06-12, 06:48 AM
I'll be in the TWR :roll: :lol:

2006-06-12, 09:28 AM
pgengler, whereabouts will you be?

I was advised to be by the home depot side.

2006-06-12, 10:13 AM
pgengler, whereabouts will you be?

I was advised to be by the home depot side.

That's where I was (and still am) planning to be, unless everyone and everything was going to be in a different/better spot.

2006-06-12, 10:33 AM
I'll be out there, Home depot spot you say that's where I will be.

2006-06-12, 10:55 AM
I was thinking of staying along New Highway, provided they use rwy 14-32. My guess is that they will do a few flat passes before they land, so I wanted to get good shots of those. I was thinking of going to the Home depot area on friday when they leave, assuming thats the direction they'll be departing.

2006-06-12, 05:07 PM
Yeah, they will definately be Using rwy's 14-(or)-32 depending on the wind

2006-06-12, 11:37 PM
I'll be there early around 8;30 to scope things out with my "Tomcats Forever, Baby" banner in hand. Considering their arrival will be sometime before 10am if you want pictures of the passes go to New Highway beacause the light will be behind you. If runway 14 is active then the spot by Home Depot in front of the multiplex will be ideal for some close shots of finals coming over 110 with some perfect lighting as well. Hopefully we'll get one or both of these....




Don't think it will look quite like this Thursday, but I'm happy to see my beloved F-14 any chance I get...




2006-06-14, 10:49 AM
Dan, Mors, and everyone else. I'm going to try to be out there by 8:45 or so. Can't say look for my car because I don't know whose I will be using. But I will be weaing either a yankee hat or a grey winter hat depending on the weather. Hope to see some more of you guys. Scott

2006-06-14, 02:46 PM
If you can, tune your radio to 102.3 at around 9:30. I'm going to try and put in a request for a song to go along with thier arrival. I'm thinking about Paul McCartney's "Mull of Kyntire." It would be pretty sweet if we got everyone to blast thier radio.

Ill be out there around 8, in a red Pathfinder with a Tomcat shirt (of course).

2006-06-14, 05:49 PM
Already told the boss I would be in late Thursday...hope to see you all there. Sounds like I'll probably be over near Home Depot as well

2006-06-15, 01:26 PM
Does anyone know when they are scheduled to depart tomorrow? I am looking into scheduling a long lunch<g>


2006-06-15, 01:28 PM
As I was leaving this morning, the tower asked what time they'd be leaving tomorrow ("for the people at the fence"), and the response was 1pm.

I should have my photos up either tonight (hopefully) or tomorrow.

2006-06-15, 03:02 PM
pgengler, where weere you this morning? :)

How is this for drama? I took some photos of hte birds coming in and then had to run to hte office for 10 oclock patients.

While I was there, a patient drove in with a leaking gas tank (!!) This was the result. Life is never dull in our office!


2006-06-15, 03:07 PM
pgengler, where weere you this morning? :)

I ended up near the Home Depot, after a short bit of random driving around to try to find a better spot after I heard that 32 was the active (to no avail).

2006-06-15, 03:29 PM
yes, New highway was my aim but when I saw how packed it was, I went elsewhere.

drove up to the mounds near home depot and didnt see you, plus the wind just didnt look right.

Too bad they just flew over hte once. They circled Bethpage quite a few times.

2006-06-15, 03:36 PM
There are no photos posted yet? C'mon guys....I cant get out there today or tomorrow, and am dying to see them this 1 last time.

2006-06-15, 03:39 PM
Last I heard was a departure time of 1:30. They will take off, come back for a low speed pass, then a high speed pass, then come back over the airport to pull straight up into the wild blue yonder, dissapearing into the Long Island skies forever. Wow, what a great start to summer...

2006-06-15, 03:47 PM
I was going to go but I just cant bring msyelf to travel from LI :(


2006-06-15, 04:06 PM
I heard from different workers at the museum that the departure time was either 1pm or 1:30pm, so get there early, pack a lunch and enjoy.

I got out to New Highway about 9:00, I saw the wind was favoring Rwy32, so I parked down the end across from the approach end, right where it turns around the end of the runway. Fred stopped by, but headed further up north.

Here are a few from this morning; crappy weather for shooting, and a quick laptop edit job, but nonetheless...







2006-06-15, 04:48 PM
Here are some from this afternoon over by the museum:








Yes, the guys from the museum were very good about letting people take pictures in front of the planes, even taking them for you:


Yes, that's the world famous tanker pilot...

2006-06-15, 05:54 PM
It was nice to put faces with some name Scott, Jones Beach, Grumman
Fan. Well the rain held off, but the weather was crap for photography during the arrival. It was nice to see the Tomcats back home again, but i was very disappointed that that the only pass was the break to land and not even a touch and go? Hopefully they'll make up for tham tomorrow.















Steven Holzinger
2006-06-15, 05:57 PM
Does anyone know if they are going to Willow Grove after departing?

2006-06-15, 06:06 PM
If the pilots are at the reception tonight I'll ask them.

2006-06-15, 07:44 PM
Very nice day guys, I guess I should have went with the rest of you to the museum. Likewise Rob, great to meet Mors, Grummanfan, and Jonesbeach. Fred I hope you used up you card! I'll be back out tomorrow, Where we meeting?

2006-06-15, 08:42 PM
I was able to get the Mrs. to drive me to the Museum after she got out of work today, donated my $9 and share these 4 shots with the group.





Between Memorial Day weekend and today, the only military bird that I have wanted to photo, but has not visited NY is the F-22 Raptor.

2006-06-15, 11:57 PM
Here are the better photos I managed to get:


2006-06-16, 01:00 AM
Took a ride over after work, and got a few more (OK, a bunch more) shots.

Sunset on the Tomcat...

They also brought out an old fire truck:


2006-06-16, 04:20 AM
did anyone manage to get the last one landing... it was so amazing...it kind of looked like a soft feild landing the way he was holding it off, on the main landing gear??... quite possibly one of hte most amazing things i have seen.. almost compated to the space shuttle take off!!!

2006-06-16, 07:34 AM
I got it


Here are some more



I wish I could make the departure...I am soooo tired!

2006-06-16, 08:37 AM
Great shots! Moose I love the way you are working that tie!

2006-06-16, 09:26 AM
just a few unedited shots from last evening and this morning.

I spent about a half hour with a Grumman rep. who explained these will never fly again(come September), not even in airshows, b/c they are first strike aircraft.


As an aside, this Grumman rep. allowed me rampside in order to beat the crowds and get some shots. This was very early this morning. So now, as I am leaving, I thanked him and walked to my car and climbed the roof of my car to take a few parting shots.

As I do this, a volunteer parking lot guy walks up to me to say "two things: who are you and what are you doing" This guy was obviously some ex-military, probably an MP, sporting his buzzcut. (realize I have just left the ramp and am not in the parking lot). After I gave him my card and menioned I was leaving, he declined my card and asked me to leave as the parking lot was to close.

Is there some unwritten rule that you have to be obnoxious to people? And while I gave him my card and introduced myself, do you lack the grey matter to realize what I was doing? I'll never understand why people are so rude.

2006-06-16, 09:41 AM
He used to be very nice until he took so much crap from visitors. He is
the Safety Officer at the Museum and was told that he had to fill out a ton
of crap from homeland security about people taking pictures. I do think
he is very bossy and do not like his new attitude but certainly understand
why he is that way. In the past before the big fences went up, people
would just walk onto the ramp at night and inspect the aircraft
unsupervised..... Ahhhhh, the good old days!!!! The problem with that
was, a small few would start touching aircraft!!!! I have YELLED at a few
people in the past because they would let their small children PLAY with
the aircraft. It is ALL about respect. The crowds showed him NONE for
quite some time, so now he does his job without worry about how we feel
about it. I do not blame him at all. I do not like it, but I still can not
blame him.

You should see how stressful it is for him when vintage warbirds are
starting up and people duck under and go in-front of the cones and start
to walk up to RUNNING AIRCRAFT! What I see there amazes me and to
see some people have NO RESPECT for what they do! I have talked to
him many times....Now he is rude to me too..... He is that way to
everyone and tells people no pictures by the fence because with hundreds
of people lined up and cars going by with parents not watching their
children run into the road....well, Lots of reasons. But just go on my
word on this one Mario... He love aviation very much, he can not be
friendly to people chit chat or go into a long explanation or someone WILL
get hurt when he is deeply involved. He can not show any favoritism and
will be the same rude ass to everyone else. It may be the only reason
this place may survive!!! At least I hope so.

I Love to hate him now! He really is a good guy!!! (I know, you could be
civil and nice....NOT, crowds will walk over him...He found out the hard

2006-06-16, 09:42 AM
Oh, and I got threatened to be kicked out by him yesterday if I picked
the camera up in the parking lot at all and I was a paying customer!!!

2006-06-16, 10:15 AM
Fred, I'll tell you the other part of the story when I see you,. I can certainly see that point of view.

There was a bit more to our conversation that I will tell you about later. I just felt he was unecessarily obnoxious. But I will let you judge that later.

By the way, for those catching the departure, my source wont let them leave before 1300. AND they are using Runway 1-19

2006-06-16, 10:47 AM


I hate you and all your well connected friends. You need to give lectures in schmoozing and networking. Nice shots by the way!

Phil, love the F-14 crossover shot on the runway.

Mario, I knew I should have gone back over to the Museum for the sunset shots. Looks like you noticed the FLIR pod reflection shot like me. In my case it would have been much better without the crowds though.

I heard the same about 1-19. Even if they take off from 14-32 their flyby's will still be on 1-19. The best spot would be in the parking lot behind Home Depot against the fence becasue the sun will be partially behind you. That's wher I'll be.

As far as the pompous ass that is the head of security at the Museum. Perception is reality and I have never known him to be anything other than rude and obnoxious. Obviously this guy is a former police officer and or MP and if he acted like that on the job he would have never lasted. Now I have seen people act like complete imbeciles in his presence which would warrant his discontent. But, regardless of the responsibilities that come with the position he holds you have to assess each situation individually. I have had clashes with him in the past and will continue to show him total disrespect as that is all he has ever shown me.

2006-06-16, 11:13 AM
Great job by everyone on the photos...looking forward to this afternoon's departure.

As to everyone's favorite security/safety officer, yes, maybe he's rude and obnoxious because some people don't pay attention to him, but he needs to remember that while he may be responsible for keeping things safe, he is also in the public relations business. You can be firm but remain polite and respectful; when you are rude, right or wrong, you can end up pissing off the paying customers, which may result in their not returning, and telling their friends about the terrible treatment they received at the museum, the bottom line being a loss in customers and much needed revenues. While I was there yesterday, there were lots of volunteers asking people to use caution, remain behind ropes, etc.; none of them were rude to the customers - it can be done.

2006-06-16, 12:22 PM
I dont know if we are all talking about the same guy, tall skinny, buzzcut, aviator glasses.

But, as everyone else has said, in my defense, yes, the guy could had and should have done his job without being rude. His attitude says he's nothing more than a boyscout with limited authority.

Meanwhile, I'd just stepped off the ramp, after having coffee with the Tomcat crew chief, who was extremely good, letting many people take pictures this morning. And yet what, was the boyscout trying to prove something?

There is no reason for it, thats all.

2006-06-16, 02:14 PM

I hate you and all your well connected friends. You need to give lectures in schmoozing and networking. Nice shots by the way!

Ommm, I did not use a well connected friend.... :wink: ..... here are some more of the many! Wish I had more than a FEW HOURS!!! I would have been allowed to stay for the sunrise if I did not have a loving family :lol:















2006-06-16, 02:39 PM
Just got back from watching the departure...OH.MY.GOD!!!

They took of on Rwy 32 and cranked it around over Home Depot and the shopping center north of the field. They then came around from the north, and made two passes down Rwy 19. First time by they were close together, about 200ft up, wings back & full burner...next time they had the wings spread, and when they got to the approach end, they plugged in the burners, pointed their noses up, and rocketed away.

Pictures to follow once I get this huge grin off my face!

2006-06-16, 02:56 PM
I heard them, I look forward to it

By chance, anyone catch any VIDEO??

2006-06-16, 03:25 PM
Lead aircraft on departure - he took off on Rwy 32 and is turning over the top of Dave & Buster's just north of Rwy 1/19:

Here's his wingman - he turned over Home Depot, and passed across the departure end of Rwy 1, landing gear still on the way up:

High speed, low level:

Afterburners, baby!

Heading off into the wild blue yonder one last time:

2006-06-16, 04:03 PM
Great shots John! How I wish I could have been there.

Mario, I agree, someone has to have video of this somewhere.

2006-06-16, 04:37 PM
absolutely awesome shots John!

I heard them, but I really hope someone will share video!

Art at ISP
2006-06-16, 05:24 PM
Great pictures!! I was going to head out to FRG but work intervened.
I heard it all though for sure.

Mario--thanks for the assistance today-great to finally meet you.

Best regards,


2006-06-16, 06:59 PM
WOW Outstanding shots!!!! Sorry I wasn't there, I was on my way to lovely Valdosta, G.A. What a dump.

2006-06-16, 07:41 PM
What a sad day it was! I was there by the terminal with my wife and 4 year old daughter to say good-bye. Just to make it that much more depressing, my daughter brought her soundtrack to Top Gun. My wife blasted the Top Gun Anthem as they were doing their flyby. It was very exciting to see them this last time, but it was so bittersweet. I got some pictures, but they're not posting quality.


2006-06-17, 11:04 AM
Awesome shots there John! You definitely got them good.

My first airplane memory just happens to be of a Tomcat. It's the mid 70's and my family went out east for our annual strawberry picking trip and little did I know at the time that we were in Calverton. Well I'm bent over trying to find the biggest juiciest strawberry out there when I hear my dad tell me look! Before I can even react this airplane just roars overhead at what seemed like 50 feet off the ground to a 5/6 year old. Off course I start balling and dry heaving, because I was terrified of thunderstorms at the time. Who knows my mom even may have had to change my shorts. I was mesmerized as much as i was frightened and from that point on I always looked forward to go strawberry picking not just for the strawberries.

Fast forward 30 years to yesterday. As the pair of Tomcats from VF-31 departed they more than made up for their less than spectacular arrival. The F-14's took off and banked hard right over Home Depot and right in front of the Northrop Grumman crowd at the AAM. They set up for a high speed pass from North and with the wings swept back and cans lit screamed right overhead and set off every car alarm in a parking lot that was the fullest I've ever seen it since Airport Plaza opened. To scream at the top of your lungs and not even hear yourself is such an amazing feeling. Pass number two would be their last as I heard the speakers from the museum across the runway. So before they came overhead, this time with wings forward, I put my camera down and soaked it all in. It was nice to feel like I was a little boy again as my last vision of a Tomcat on LI will be much like my first.









2006-06-17, 12:50 PM
Hello All,

I have been an avid reader of this site for some time now and decided to join so I can take part in downloading some pictures to this great site. I read some articles with great interest about the security officer at the Air Power Museum. Although, I do not have any problems, I passed this info on to my dad who volunteers at the museum. He know the Executive Director, Gary Lewi and mentioned to him the concerns of the NYCAviation group about the security officer. Mr Lewi was very interested to hear about this and has asked if any members of this group would like to have a sit down meeting with Mr. Lewi and discuss your concerns. If any of you would like this opportunity, please email me so that I can pass the info on to Mr. Lewi.
I don't mean to ruffle any feathers but thought I could maybe help in bringing this issue to a happy close that benefits everyone and allows all of us to enjoy our passions of aviation photography.
I will post my selection of F-14 shots at Republic shortly.
Thank you

2006-06-17, 02:58 PM
Firstly, excellent photos everyone. As I said, I heard them in my office but could not see them through the skylight, but I could only imagine what they were doing. Great photos everyone!

Secondly, thanks Clipper, I will email you.

2006-06-17, 04:45 PM
Here are a few of the photos I took at Republic on Friday afternoon. I was positioned at the end of RWY 32 since the sun was behind me and would reflect nice off the aircraft.

2006-06-17, 11:40 PM
I have talked to Gary many times and always say hi every time he is
there. I think he is Great and a true aviation lover. I enjoy his short
chats because he is always getting pulled in 50 directions. He is a true
asset to that organization. If he wants to talk to smooth things over with
me, there is no need..... but if he feels that what was said on the forum is
very disturbing and wants to find out what exactly what was said, you can
contact me via my Email at [email protected] and I will talk with him
the next time I am in the area.

I will not reply about this any further on this message board.

2006-06-17, 11:43 PM
MORS-AB-ALTO, Holy crap, that head on shot is TOPPS!!!!! WOW!!!

Moose, That shot showing the top of the aircraft is AWESOME!

Clipper, Great Nickname! Great Side shot of the 2 aircraft!!!!

Mario, Great Sunrise Shot!!!

We have some GREAT stuff here guys! The eye candy is unbelievable!

2006-06-18, 02:42 AM
You're right Fred, there's some great stuff here - the NYCA gang was all over this. It's going to make airliner photography seem dull in comparison :-)

2006-06-19, 03:54 PM
Some VIDEOS!!!

F-14 Tomcat Long Island Farewell













2006-06-19, 06:23 PM
That last video is by far the best...nice find.

Here are some of my pics from both days. The quality sucks because they're scanned, and they're not up to par with most of the shots already up, but nonetheless...








2006-06-19, 09:20 PM
Thank you Fred for finding those, You rock!

That 3 or 4th from the bottom took them right over my office. Glad to finally see what I heard :)

2006-06-19, 09:31 PM
Finally had a chance to go through my photos from Friday; here are the good ones:


2006-06-20, 02:26 PM
Nice find Fred and some great pics from different angles Phil and Grumman Fan. There were about 10 places I wish I was at to take photos that day, unfortunately I could only pick one.

2006-06-20, 03:17 PM
Thank you to whoever it was who TOOK that video, and to Fred for finding it.

2006-06-21, 04:17 PM
Here is the BEST video so far!!!!
got it in an email....so I had to host it....LOVIN IT!!!!

2006-06-21, 05:02 PM
friggin awesome!

2006-06-21, 05:10 PM
Definately amazing, but where was that? Surely wasn't farmingdale, they didn't do any solo passes.

2006-06-21, 05:45 PM
In the Email from a long Islander that just moved to AZ...it said this past friday.... The tails in the video did not look local to me. I can not confirm anything and I thought that the wings were out from your pictures.... Slow to vertical, right????

2006-06-22, 10:44 AM
Yup, slow with wings out, pulled right up into the vertical. I didn't even get a chance to see them swing the wings back they got so much altitude so fast.

2006-06-22, 12:33 PM
I threw up a few F-14 pics here. But what I found to be nice was the 2nd row of pics. Just luck that the 3 Blue Angel shots are set up like that.


2006-06-22, 02:09 PM
That's a Grim Reaper solo jet frim the now disbanded VF-101. That's their signature sweeping pass that usually ended the tac demo. Definately not Republic last week or otherwise.