View Full Version : Horrible Radio Continental Commercial

2006-06-09, 06:53 AM
I don't know how many of you guys listen to the radio, but Continental has a commercial that's been airing lately that makes me want to stab my ears with a fork.

To promote the ability to download music on flights (I'm not too sure what they're offering since it's tough to hear over my screams of agony) they have a pilot speaking on the PA in a half singing voice.

Horrible. Singing. Corny beyond belief. Painful to listen to.

Anyone else catch it?

2006-06-09, 09:00 AM
Yes in fact it was just on again this morning driving to work. It is perhaps the worst airline commercial I've ever heard. A five dollar promotion isn't going to get me to fly Continental and certainly not some pilot singing.

2006-06-09, 09:01 AM
I have XM Radio, no sappy commercials if I am listening to music.

Never thought I would enjoy paying for radio, but it's well worth it.

2006-06-09, 03:34 PM
You and me both, John. I've had Sirius for about a year & a half, I'll never go back, especially if I can avoid commercials like this one!

2006-06-10, 10:57 PM
Oh!! I've heard this many times, I don't think it can get any worse. When it was playing I actually said OK whatever airline this is I will never give them a dime of my money or fly on them because of the horrible marketing. They could spin that product off better but instead they put that ad on!! I hate it so much!!