View Full Version : Is LGA's Perimeter Rule Needed?

2006-06-07, 07:21 PM
The whole Love Field debate got me thinking about La Guardia.

The Wright Amendment was created to drive business to the newly opened Dallas/Fort Worth. Here in New York, a perimeter rule is in effect at LGA that limits flights to within 1,500 miles of the airport. Similarly, it was created to spread out business to nearby Kennedy Airport.

Regardless of the debate about Love Field, let's say it WAS wrong and that Southwest should be allowed to fly further than the law allows. Would that be pecedence for an airline to fight the perimeter rule?

Let's say a pre-merger US Airways wanted to fly direct to the West Coast from LGA since they aready have nice terminal set up there. Would they then have a case due to the Love Field argument?

How necessary is the perimeter rule? Would abolishing it hurt business at JFK? What airlines would benefit or be hurt?

2006-06-07, 07:44 PM
Its an interesting thought - doing away with the perimeter rule at LGA.

West coast flights - at least - would move into LGA immediately and they'd diminish to some extent from JFK - although not all, as there would still be some international feed.

Some percentage of passengers would be drawn to LGA rather than use EWR.

There'd be pressure to move (some) larger aircraft to LGA as well.

Most airlines would want a piece of non-perimeter LGA and there'd be pressure to max out the airport like it was pre-911.

As EWR is already nearly maxed out - some peripheral traffic we see at LGA would need to spill over to JFK (or simply cease to exists if it was not profitable at JFK - in turn sending some passengers to EWR) as airlines sought to swap out some of those LGA slots with non perimeter flights.

Of course I could be wrong.. :)

To make things really interesting, at the same time, let LGA go international and close TEB too.... and let the chips fall where they may. :)

2006-06-08, 10:02 AM
Like what Tom stated if the perimeter rule was lifted the airlines would go to hell with themselves adding flights and the fact is LGA can't handle it. If their was only one argument for the rule to be kept congestion would be it. This argument can certainly lead into the reason why NYC needs a new airport. Although land really isn't available. LGA needs to first worry about modernizing the Central Terminal. Right now it can't handle the traffic it has. If you ever get stuck in the B wing during a delay you'll know what I mean.

Alex T
2006-06-08, 10:24 AM
Could they have a master plan set in at LGA like they do at DAL restricting said flights? Meaning they still have slots and all, but the preimeter can still go away?

Would be interesting to think about too.


2006-06-09, 03:19 PM
LGA cant really handle ore traffic than it already does. I think that the perimiter rule should stay in effect. It's not hurting anybody

2006-06-09, 04:33 PM
I think that LGA is not running anywhere near capacity. Sorry to start the rant that many of you have heard before, but LGA was designed for larger aircraft, not for the mass of RJs that come in and out of the airport daily. Though not a large airport, the airport can certainly handle millions more passengers if there were more mid-size and widebodies that carry 150-300 passengers, as opposed to gate space that currently is "utilized" by a 50-seat ERJ.

Look on Anet. You'll see shots from back in the day with L-1011s parked where you now see Air Canada Jazz.

As for the Central Terminal, I agree. The Port Authority does know that issue and it seems to be a big priority on their list. But because of the size restrictions at the airport, they can't close down any large section of the CTB and temporarily relocate existing operations. It's going to have to be done in small pieces.

I think making more parking structures with multiple levels, and then pulling the terminals and security checkpoints back from the runways more will allow them to rebuild the in-between areas for more shopping mall like eating and shopping to entertain passenger during delays and what have you.

2006-06-10, 02:55 AM
Have you ever taken a flight from LGA at say 10 or 11 am. You will sit on the ramp for at least 45 min befor joing the line for take-off. The airport has two inter secting runways. How much traffic can it possibly take at once. Flights are always delayed from LGA.(not saying JFK is better) THe perimiter rule should stay.

2006-06-10, 10:20 PM
Well, its interesting. Airlines offer frequency to get the passengers. Then there's too many aircraft for the airport's configuration and the passengers wait.

Perhaps less jets, and larger jets, and the aircraft and passengers will depart on time. Of course you might need further regulation for that..and then less competition and higher prices? (and less passengers?)

Aren't most of the RJ pilots paid less though? To what extent is that a factor? Or is it even a factor?


2006-06-10, 11:04 PM
I think they need to keep it in effect until they get some room for the planes. The Central Terminal is way to small and the check in area gets horrible in the early morning and the mid morning. I was there at 5 am once for Spirit and Spirit check in was full of way to many people and there were people starting to arrive like crazy everywhere.

2006-06-10, 11:05 PM
Its a double edge sword. If you have larger planes less frequency passenger will complain about less frequency. If you have more frequency which equals more planes you have more delays. Then the passengers will compalin about that. We need a new airport that can handle it.

2006-06-11, 02:26 AM
Of course, being as there is no room for a new airport, a state of the art rail system up and down the east coast would take some of the pressure off.....

Apart from that, 30 years ago there were plans for a "fast" train to Stewart... which if it had been built *then*, the current airport operator would probably not today be grasping at straws by trying to name it Hudson Valley airport in the hopes of generating some traffic.
