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View Full Version : Allegheny A319 was at LGA today

2006-04-12, 03:54 PM
While I was screwing around with one of my computers ACARS picked up the Allegheny A319 (N745VJ) operating out of LGA. The ACARSD database hasn't been updated yet to include the new registration so only the reg showed up. Unfortunatly I didnt add the "flag" correctly so I didnt notice the flight until after the fact.

Did anyone see it?
This is MOST annoying



2006-04-12, 06:27 PM
What program is that and where do I get it!? That is some awesome info.

2006-04-12, 09:38 PM
I use ACARSD...There are many progs out there like it though.
Some other one are Airnav ACARS
Other ACARS are Wacars, SkySpy, Airnav ACARS Decoder from AirnavSystems, Airmaster. ACARS is more of a hobby in itself than anything else. For me its like wacthing TV :) (which I dont do) :)


2006-04-12, 10:18 PM

where did you get that program? ;)

2006-04-12, 10:32 PM
Got a call early this morning from work that 745VJ had been rerouted to visit LGA this morning. No time to do a thread with rush hour traffic,just hopped in the Maxima and high tailed it to LGA, I apologize to you all. It arrived around 1000 and departed at 1110 from and to CLT, and even though I had good access, the light as you know at that time can be problematic, but I hope I got something worth uploading As always aircraft routing's are subject to change, this morning was a classic example but as of now she is due back on both Friday the 14th and Sunday the 16th, ironically on the same flights both days, arriving at 1457 from PIT on 174 and departing back to PIT on 259 at 1545.

With in hours of Jay's shots hitting a.net and JP Tempe received over 300 e-mails from employees upset over the appearance of the tail and how small the Allegheny wedge is. All where told we goofed and this will be corrected very soon. This morning N742PS was rerouted BOS-LGA-PIT arriving at the PIT MTC base for a 24 hour visit, here is the free talk for her MTC Problem

742 PIT SMILE UPGRADE 1100/12 1100/13

This was also promised by Tempe as the smile is not as wide as the real thing and US Management said lets get it right ! So the 745 tail re due could happen this week and effect her LGA visits. I will be off both Friday and Saturday but will do my best to keep everyone updated. I will call work from home on Friday for further updates !

BTW she looked better in person than I expected, some of you should be pleased !



2006-04-13, 06:16 PM
The guys in PHL got it...


Patchogue, NY

2006-04-13, 09:26 PM
As of 2100L on Thursday night no change to 745VJ's routing's so she should be at LGA Friday and Sunday see my above post for times, flight numbers.

N742PS operated PIT-SAN tonight with her new and improved PSA smile.

Do out of LGA at 0715 Sat morning and back in after dark.

Sunday on the Shuttle departing at 0800, 1400 and 2000 with arrivals at 1300 and 1900 !



2006-04-13, 09:35 PM
Nice shot John.I didnt know the bottom was gray....Now I even like it even more!

About ACARSD...I coudl't remember the link here it is.
I kept typing .net

MARIOooooo :)


2006-04-15, 09:13 AM
I was at LGA Friday afternoon and got to see VJ taxiiing and departing off of 13. Not a bad bird.

2006-04-15, 12:30 PM
US announced on Friday instead of redoing the tail logo the entire aircraft is to be repainted to more accurately recreate the Allegheny scheme. In addition to the tail re-due, the black nose will be reduced, the stripe will be narrowed at the back, and the lower gray will be darkened and there will be a larger percentage of the fuselage in gray. They are saying 3 to 5 weeks before its back in the sky with the new look, for now its still in service. This will delay the PI Bird but will probably make for a more accurate PI bird so fine with me. US sure is listening to its employees !



2006-04-15, 03:40 PM
they sure are. i had a great convo with doug parker when they first announced the heritage schemes about a few of the ideas i had for them.

kudos to US!

2006-04-16, 10:02 AM
Okay folks here is the routing update as of 0950A on Sunday Morning. N745VJ has not strayed and is still on the same routing for today. US174 Arrive 1459 turns US 259 Depart at 1545 from/to PIT. On Monday it arrives LGA after dark to RON, then does Shuttle flying all day Tuesday. I will update those times from work.

N742PS is on MTC in DCA so no flights scheduled. It could still make an appearance in LGA later who knows.

I hope this is helpful ?


Tower Air
2006-04-16, 12:35 PM
Whats MTC?

2006-04-16, 12:56 PM
Ron, I dont see any USA 174 flight PIT-LGA but I do see a USA1404
Is this the flight?

Airline Us Airways
Flight Number 1404
Departure City (Airport) Pittsburgh, PA (PIT)
Departure Time 04/16/2006 01:48 PM
Arrival City (Airport) New York, NY (LGA)
Arrival Time 04/16/2006 02:51 PM
Remaining Flight Time 01:03 (scheduled)
Aircraft Type Airbus A319
Current Altitude 0 feet
Current Groundspeed 0 mph
Flight Status Scheduled

2006-04-16, 01:46 PM
Sorry Senga, 174 is the weekday number, 1404 is the Sunday only number, me bad. And departure time is 1535, me bad again. And TowerAir MTC is an aviation industry abbreviation for Maintenance. 742 is still showing at DCA with no flights assigned.



2006-04-16, 03:22 PM
My floor is covered with gravel that came out of my shoes after a last-minute ditch effort to get this bird arriving from the dock.


Thanks for the heads up!

2006-04-16, 05:59 PM
Thanks for the final heads up..Ron right you called I hit some moderate-heavy traffic and put me at LGA rigth as the Allegheny was landing and I wasnt able to do much when I got there. I had been told that they were charging $14 to park in the Marina to I didn't go there. I drove to the gas station where my shots wre ruined by heat distortion. In the end I was lucky enough to get it with the jetway pulled back (PURE LUCK). The plane sat there for a while liek that ebcause there was so much ground traffic at LGA at hte time.
Here we go

Thanks Ron...You dah Man!


2006-04-16, 06:21 PM
look at that reflection in phil's shot.... fresh paint is a beautiful thing!!

2006-04-16, 06:28 PM
Looks like whales belly :)


2006-04-16, 09:26 PM
As of Sunday at 2130L N745VJ will be on the Shuttle Tues-Wed-Thur and N742PS will be in LGA Tues on US 174-259 arrving at 1457 and departing at 1535..

Will update again Monday night.



2006-04-17, 11:19 AM
Here is my best shot from yesterday, not much time to edit so it is a hurried job. I was holding the camera with one hand and keying my headset mike with the other talking to an aircraft so I guess it came out ok considering.

http://www.nycaviation.com/hosting/N745 ... 6APR06.jpg (http://www.nycaviation.com/hosting/N745VJ_1_KLGA_16APR06.jpg)

No update yet on when repainting will commence, will post as soon as I hear !



2006-04-17, 12:00 PM
Nice shot Ron,
I really do like these color. Imagine a whole fleet of these.


2006-04-17, 06:11 PM
N765VJ has been rerouted and we will NOT see this aircraft in LGA for the next few days. N742PS is still coming Tues, same info as previously posted !



2006-04-18, 08:45 PM
Well 745VJ has been rerouted again and if you show up at LGA around 1500 on Wednesday 4-19 you can catch both 745VJ and 742PS.

Here is 745's new schedule
Wed 4-19: US 174 arrive 1457 turn US 259 Depart at 1535 from/to PIT
Fri 4-21: US 2168 Arrive 1200 turn US 2175 Depart at 1300 from/to DCA and again on US 2137 arrive 1800 turn US 2140 Depart at 1900 from/to BOS. That's it for 745VJ.

Here is 742PS's new schedule
Wed 4-19 US 404 arrive at 0859 turn US 115 Depart at 0950 from PIT to CLT, and again on US318 arrive 1422 turn US 2132 Depart at 1500 from CLT to BOS
Thur 4-20 US 2197 arrive at 0840 turn US 701 depart at 0915 from BOS to PIT. And that's all for 742PS for the next few days.
As always aircraft routing's are subject to change so please don't be upset with me if they do !
