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View Full Version : Suffolk County's apparently normal overuse of police

2006-03-07, 10:15 AM
edited to reflect my true sense.

NOthing bugs me more than the misuse of tax money and town funds.

Yesterdayon Rte 110, directly across the streeet from Legal Sea Foods and Whitman Mall, I saw a car on the center median, with no less than FIVE (5) Suffolk COunty Police cars.

Doing what? Arresting 2 latin ladies, perhaps 5'2 each. 5 cars, so at least 5 officers.


2006-03-07, 10:24 AM
Oh I have a story for you Mario when I see you. I agree though I respect the job the Police do but Suffolk Police really go over the edge a bit. Talk about a total waste of resources, and don't tell me this was to simply back up the officers. My buddy is on the NYPD and arrested someone the other night that was wanted by the FBI and Homeland security, ask him how much backup he got???

Matt Molnar
2006-03-07, 11:41 AM
Not to mention they're paid a great deal more for doing a lot less work compared to the NYPD. Similar to how most fire departments on the island always seem to have brand new trucks to fight a handful of fires a year while FDNY houses that do several calls a day are driving old rigs.

2006-03-07, 12:03 PM
always seem to have brand new trucks to fight a handful of fires a year while FDNY houses that do several calls a day are driving old rigs

exactly, the funds on LI are misdirected. PLUS, and I speak from prior experince, those LI firehouses are nothing more than bars and porn movies venues between the occasional fire.

But I have always strongly felt that SCPD misuses funds. 5 cars (I'll show the photo later) for 2 hispanic ladies?? unreal.

I think Phil might agree too, having met them. Tom, I know your preivious story, we all share some ISPain, but looking forward to hte new dish.

2006-03-07, 12:21 PM
Its not the ISP story Mario I have another story a bit long but I guess I'll type it out.

My last car I had was in for service you know one of these 30,000 mile do everything type of service. So I get home do some **** in the house go out to the gym and it starts funny, ok w/e. Come out of the gym starts funny again, hmmm, guess I'll have to call the dealer and bring it back. I get home and drop my cell phone as I get out and it goes under the car. So I reach under to get it, gas is leaking from where the fuel filter should be.

So I call the dealership they say call roadside and have them tow the car back in. I call roadside they would touch a car with a fuel leak until the Fire Dept. says its ok. So I call the local fire house explain everything they say I have to call the operator and report it offically. Now mind you its not a big leak. I call the operator and before I know it 6 SCPD cars, heavy resucue, and tow pumper trucks. My blocked looked like a sea of disaster had happened. Then godbless the fireman who ran out, jacked my car up on the side denting it and scratching the paint pretty bad. Well they stopped the leak and the GM towed it in but the dealership didn't want to pay for the repairs. Well Phil has seen me when I don't get my way with companies, I don't yell, I don't curse but I get my way. They fixed it and made up for it.

2006-03-07, 02:15 PM
Tom, that is too funny and too typical on the island!

in regards to getting your way, Im there with you. I'll confer notes with you next time. Im the same way, speak softly and carry a big stick...

we'll have to trade notes :)

2006-03-07, 08:09 PM
There are several things here to discuss.

As for the two women being arrested, I don't think 6 cop cars are out of hand. You have no idea what they were being arrested for, and one should not underestimate women. Any kind of struggle or a weapon making an appearance, and five police officers are actually not enough. In fact, at most prisons, the women's facility is the most dangerous and wild of all, moreso than the men's.

One also needs to keep in mind that there are a lot of officers with nothing to do during most of their shift. It sounds like a waste, but when something DOES happen, they are needed and it's worth it for them to all be on hand when **** hits the fan.

In addition, the “better safe than sorry” concept is important, especially when the hardcore liberals are ready to sue at the first site of understaffing. God forbid something happens and there are not enough officers to

As I understand it, a police force also needs to have a certain amount of officers in order to receive funding from various government levels. Want a well-trained SWAT team for those occasional sticky hostage or armed robbery situations? Well you won’t get much help if you only have a force of 12 cops.

Tommy’s situation about the gas…that was a bit much maybe. I can understand the fire presence and some cops, but maybe six cars was too much. Maybe. Again, better safe than sorry.

I had a similar situation when a carbon monoxide detector had been going off in my home one time. We knew it was malfunctioning so we called the FD. Police closed the street, and about 10 firemen came into my home. Though, thankfully, it wasn’t necessary at the time, but I’m glad these guys are ready for those rare instances where something CAN happen. What if my mother got off the phone thinking everything was fine and then because the detector had actually been reading real carbon monoxide?

Or what if the gas in Tommy car became ignited? I’d have one less friend.

As for the detainment that Mario and I went through, I do feel that was different. In that case, I feel it was clear that Mario and I were not a threat and these guys were using their boredom to practice badger techniques. There was not a precaution for safety as in the previous instances.

Have a had a bad time with Suffolk cops? Yes. Do I think some are dicks? Yes, some. But for the most part, police on our side, trying to protect the tax-paying, law-abiding citizens. They are regular guys trying to support their families and they put up with a lot of ****. I just thinking getting upset because 5 cops are arresting two people is pretty pessimistic. I’d just be happy that they are arresting someone instead of not arresting anyone.

2006-03-07, 09:40 PM
Phil, I might agree but I am the eternal optimist.

But I dont think you know SCPD as well as Tom and I. This seems to be the norm with SCPD. While you might think, as you said above, they have nothing ot do most of their shift, there is always something to do.
If anything ,that is the worst reason for them to be there. Fact is, an officer is always needed.

Whats more, they are among the HIGHEST paid cops in the state. And for what? NYPD cops deserve so much more.

Seriously, just read the police blotter that comes out once a week in local news. For all the bucks that suffolk county residents pay in taxes, you have ot hope that SCPD find more to do. They get paid ridiculous amounts and don't do half as much as NYPD cops do.

Also, yes, they put up with ****. But honestly, the chose that path, right? Perhaps I am wrong to say that but every job carries with it risk and they are aware of that risk. I digress

I can tell you 2 stories where, prior to 9-11, I got pulled over for an incomplete stop at a stop sign... only to have 2 other cops cars come. 3 cop cars for the 19 year old with the clean record who was doing 5 mph through the stop sign.

And that was back in college. That is just another example of wasted tax dollars.

Fortunately, I have never seen this with NY state police, NAssau or NYPD.

So after multiple times seeing one department do it, even the eternal optimist sees a problem inherent in SCPD.

and from left to right, the stopped car with 2 latinas on the left, and count the cars, gentlemen. occured at roughly 5 pm on Monday. 5 cars...


And just to show that I tried to give the officers credit, I did think to see both sides, OK, maybe 1 car (assuming a male) stopped her and perhaps the women needed to be searched; so another female cop needed to be present, that Might have involved a 2nd or even 3rd car at the most.

But 5 cars? during rush hour? for 2 women? @ 5 PM?
Its definitely a bit much and its not the first, 2nd or 3rd time Ive seen SCPD do it.

exorbitant use of taxpayers funds..... c'mon, perhaps the picture tells a bigger story.

2006-03-07, 10:34 PM
Or what if the gas in Tommy car became ignited? I’d have one less friend.

I think in retrospect my Ex may have plotted this, LOL Can't say I blame her, ahahahaahaha ah yes I can, god what a bitch!