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2006-03-02, 07:36 PM
Hello all! I'm Vincent. I'm 17 and i'm from south of France.
I'm an aviation fan! I wanna be a pilot for AF/KLM. I have any interest in my life, such as aviation (of course), photography (aviation photo, macrophoto).
I also like travelling: i've visiting almost all west-europe (portugal, spain, france, UK, Belgium, NEtherlands, switzerland, germany, italia...), North Africa (MArroco, Tunisia, Egypt), and 2 years ago I visited NYC. It was my dream since i'm a child! That's a marvelous city!
I hope i'll enjoy my stay here, with this forum, it's like a (virtual) part of me is in NYC.
If anyone would like to correspond with me, talk french or help me to improve my english (poor english, yeah...) feel free to contact me!!

2006-03-02, 07:44 PM
Welcome Vince!

Your English is much better then my French will ever be, but it's great having you on board. Sounds like you have visited some interesting places already, glad you enjoyed your visit to NYC. It would be great to see some samples of your photography - we're always looking for new and interesting stuff here.

Again, welcome!

2006-03-02, 07:51 PM
that's ok! i'll post some shots tomorrow. But they aren't that good (cause when i wen tto NYC photography wasn't one of my interest and i had a crappy cam!)

2006-03-03, 04:53 PM
Bonjour et bienvenue mon ami! Je parle un peu de francais. Tu parles anglais tres bien.

Thats about all I remember from french class last year. I think its best if we just stick with english instead. Anyways, welcome.