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View Full Version : Was I wrong to utter this whilst spotting?

2006-02-19, 03:30 PM
This very cold morning, I went to JFK to take some shots. Tom, Phil, Mel, Tom, Eric, seagulls, cold air.

Our system?: sitting in our cars until we saw a plane start takeoff. We'd jump out, take some pics, then warm up in the car again.

As we took photos, some stranger, who was in the parking lot to tow someone's vehicle,

-saw me,
-with my camera up to my eye and pointing at a plane

-and walked to within 3 feet of me, asking, 2-3 times in quick succession, "What are you doing?"

The first time he asked the question, I ignored him mainly b/c I was in the midst of tracking the plane in the viewfinder. When he asked the question again, I kept shooting and said "What do you think I'm doing?

At that point, Phil took over the conversation as I was visibly annoyed.

What would have been your reaction? I mean, the moxie on this guy to get within 3 feet of me and start questioning me was a bit shocking. Had Phil and Tom not been there, not sure how it would have turned out.

So I think I already know the answer, but from now on, shut up, right?

Midnight Mike
2006-02-19, 04:43 PM
This very cold morning, I went to JFK to take some shots. Tom, Phil, Mel, Tom, Eric, seagulls, cold air.

Our system?: sitting in our cars until we saw a plane start takeoff. We'd jump out, take some pics, then warm up in the car again.

As we took photos, some stranger, who was in the parking lot to tow someone's vehicle,

-saw me,
-with my camera up to my eye and pointing at a plane

-and walked to within 3 feet of me, asking, 2-3 times in quick succession, "What are you doing?"

The first time he asked the question, I ignored him mainly b/c I was in the midst of tracking the plane in the viewfinder. When he asked the question again, I kept shooting and said "What do you think I'm doing?

At that point, Phil took over the conversation as I was visibly annoyed.

What would have been your reaction? I mean, the moxie on this guy to get within 3 feet of me and start questioning me was a bit shocking. Had Phil and Tom not been there, not sure how it would have turned out.

So I think I already know the answer, but from now on, shut up, right?

Not sure about anybody else, but, I would have introduced myself & told the guy that I was taking pictures of airplanes as it was my hobby.

Think of this way, it was none of his business, but, if he would have reported you to the Police, it was only make your hobby that much more difficult.

Or, next time:


2006-02-19, 05:21 PM
Ordinarily perhaps, yes.

Last time I was approached by someone like Mario was -- in that spot in fact -- (someone running up to me to get in my face), I started to "explain the hobby".

He cut me off and informed me he was part of a "militia" and was going to do something about me.

"Explaining" the hobby to certain people (a$$holes) won't always work unfortunately.

Howard Beach, Rockaway, Jamaica, Broad Channel,(New York) and Elizabeth and Newark (New Jersey) are really not like what you might see on Sesame Street.

[This is *not* aimed at you Midnight Mike... I just think some folks have an unrealistic expectation about the reasonableness of strangers in our area that is unfounded a good deal of the time..especially when they "introduce" themselves as this guy did..]


2006-02-19, 09:21 PM
This guy, as eager to assume we were doing something wrong, was easily calmed when I told him merely 'this is what we do". His flames of concern were put out so fast that he just went about his job again without care.

Interesting interaction. His frame of question could have been a little more friendly though.

2006-02-19, 10:29 PM
I posted about this on Anet.

Yeah, her could have asked more nicely but he also could have backed off a touch. Also, I think I was really tired and no putting up with it.

He was in my personal space and so Im glad Phil doused the fuse before it got lit.

speaking of which, Myspace.com.....Please, dont give me another website to lose myself in!

2006-02-20, 03:55 AM
Hey Mike, I like your family version of STFU. I have the picture of the army guy where it is actually says "How about a nice cup of STFU". I won't post it but it sure is funny.

As far as Mario's interaction with this person. I know many of you feel that since 9/11 this is part of this hobby. If law enforcement whether state or Federal wants to come up to me in a civil manner that is fine, when civilians take the approach Mario encountered I take offense. Part of the equation is to be able to sit in these areas and enjoy the outdoors, the scenery and the fact we are enjoying a hobby. When we have to deal with people like this and in some way have to explain our actions I have to ask where does it end.

2006-02-20, 10:37 AM
thanks phil for keeping mario out of trouble :) I don't mind leaving him in your capable hands while I sleep late on sunday mornings.

2006-02-20, 05:30 PM
i would have given the dick the same attitude he came up to mario with. you act like an *******, i treat you like an *******... it's that simple. don't forget mario, since the guy is a civi then you have no legal obligation to talk to him.

reminds me of that AFJROTC punk that wanted to fight phil at kids day. would have loved to see that.

2006-02-22, 11:32 AM
How about a different angle:

Parking Lot Prick (will be called PLP from this point on)
" What are u doing?"

"First allow me to ask what are YOU doing"

"Just making sure your not a bad guy doing something evil"

"So your playing Captain America, yes?! That's great news, since Captain America was very active in protecting peoples civil rights"

"errrrrr, so just what are you doing??"

"Pursuing what feels good."

you get the idea.....

2006-02-22, 08:31 PM
Parking Lot Prick ]

Wow, I lvoe that. awesome! ROFLMAO

Midnight Mike
2006-02-23, 10:35 PM
thanks phil for keeping mario out of trouble :) I don't mind leaving him in your capable hands while I sleep late on sunday mornings.

High Heels

Shouldn't you have a picture of Mario flying the simulator as your avatar?