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View Full Version : How Did You Get Into Aviation Photography?

2006-01-03, 08:44 PM
We spoke in another forum about how we got into aviation. Now, I wonder how you folks got started with photography.

Did you take any training courses? Were you into general photography before aviation? Did you start off with film or slides?

For me, my interest in aviation was reignited from my childhood by seeing photos on Airliners.net. The shots of Chris Sheldon from inside the terminal of 727s all over LGA, bursting with color in photo quality that I have never seen before made my stomach hurt with desire to take my own similar shots.

"USAF Pilot 07" and I discovered "the dock" and one day I invited Tom Turner to come by. He was the first person who ever showed me and let me use a Digital SLR. It was that day that I took what was my very first Anet photo:


I was stuck filming planes until I received a Canon 10D as a gift in March of 2004. It was my very first camera, but thankfully, I had learned a lot about camera operations from Art Brett and Tom turner, and also managed to hone my Photoshop skills to where I was able to be pleased with my work days after receiving my camera.

It's a lot of work taking photographs, editing them, uploading and dealing with all that is involved. In fact, sometimes I forget how much I enjoy it. But once I get out there and hang out with all the other people in the hobby, I remember that there isn't much else I'd rather be doing with my time.

2006-01-03, 09:08 PM
You are never stuck filming planes! Its an art you should stick to. preserve that sound and movement that photos cant!

My dad got me into it. ONce you see just a few of his photos, you can see what I mean. I've alwasy taken photos when in and on and aound planes, but only lately did I make the jump ionto the next dimension!!

But also, he took us ot the airports and airshows when we were younger, so its a family affair that got me into it.

2006-01-04, 12:59 PM
I've always loved photography in general and aviation photos is just one of the things I love to shoot. I simply always took pictures when I traveled and it grew into what we do now, going out spotting.

2006-01-04, 10:26 PM
I started taking photos of airplanes in 1966 when I was six years old, with a primitive Kodak Instamatic Camera, I started taking 8mm silent movies when I was around 14, 1974. I have always enjoyed photography and mostly of airliners. My parents had no interest but where GREAT about taking me to the airport (TPA) when I was kid and although our frequent vacations where always by car we often stopped at multiple airports and even sometimes stayed at Airport Hotels with airport views !
Sometime when we are having one of our larger NYCAviation get together's I will bring my first photo album exactly as I created it in the late 60's. It's pretty disorganized, as I was around 9 when I put it together, the photos are small and not a.net worthy,and out of order, but perhaps some of you will like the numerous DC-3's, the Delta, Eastern, and National DC-8's, the Blue Braniff 707-321, etc, etc, etc, etc.


Ron Peel

2006-01-07, 02:08 PM
Put me on the must see list for your album!
All old stuff is pure gold!

I would like to do the same and bring mine out.

Mario has one too!

http://www.airliners.bureaucrats.net? Please..life will go on very well without such insane standards