View Full Version : Who will survive?

2005-11-22, 02:37 PM
Of all the airlines in bankruptcy at this time who do you think won't make it out and will disappear?

2005-11-22, 03:39 PM
Northwest is rumored to be almost out of money and entered into Chap 11 with very little money on hand. I wouldn't be shocked to seem them sold off piece by piece.

Delta I don't think is going anywhere; they still have plenty of cash on hand. Originally I thought DAL might go away and NW remains but if you look at the balance sheets NW has no money.

FlyI better do something real quick. They didn't receive any DIP financing and have already said they would begin selling off assets. I doubt they will be around to much longer.

ATA is still looking for 100 million in exit financing to come out of Chap 11. If they receive it they should be fine. Southwest has already pledged 30 million in exiting financing.

2005-11-22, 08:03 PM
the only problem Delta may have is the pilots union, if it strikes the airline is dead...
NW how much is there to sell off... some old DC9's & 10's and 747-200, I think all else is leased and will just be taken back by the leasors.

as for routes I guess the Asia routes especially China, are worth the most.