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View Full Version : 11/12/05 - JFK/Costco

2005-11-12, 06:45 PM
It was a nice afternoon and JFK was landing 22, so I headed to North Woodmere Park for some spotting. I met forum member lijk604, but just as I got there they switched to Rwy 31. I talked him into heading over to Costco.

We were parked on the east side of the building, shooting for over an hour. I had the camera up shooting when I heard a car pull up behind me. When I looked, there were three of Nassau's Finest who had us surrounded. They asked what we were doing and to see our ID. They said someone and called and they needed to check us out.

When I told the officer speaking to me I was an aviation enthusiast, he said "So am I" and thought it was neat that I was an ex-Air Force pilot. One remarked that we must be getting some good photos, especially with my lens (the 100-400mm) One said, refering to the cop talking to me "Now he's going to want to get a camera like that". They copied our licence info, and returned to their cars. They did pull up next to each other to talk, and we took that as our cue to call it a day, as it was getting late.

Throughout the encounter, the officers were professional, polite, and somewhat friendly. They explained why they were questioning us, didn't make undue threats or say we couldn't that photos, or treat us as criminals.

All in all this was an A+ encounter.

2005-11-12, 07:02 PM
Well, I dont think I could add anything else to what Moose has already said. At first, I got a little nervous being they sent three cars for 2 guys, and had our vehicles surrounded, but like Moose already said, these guys were really cool about it. No hassle, they treated us with respect, as we did to them.

Other than brealking up the day, I had a great time out there Moose, thanks for the conversation and answering a few photo questions. I'm sure we'll run into each other again.


2005-11-12, 07:03 PM
What time was that Moose?

I was there until about 3pm, shooting occasionally. I was by the water and outside of the car the whole time although the camera was not.

A couple of minutes after I put the camera away and got in the car, I noticed one Nassau's finest drive by and then double back - looking looking..but not really noticing me. Then as I was about to pull out I see another..wait for him to pass..as he searches as well.. then a third car - by this time I am on my way out. As I was pulling onto Rockaway Blvd, a fourth is pulling in.

Glad to hear they were professional..but it is disconcerting to see this kind of response. Not the first time by any means. This has to have been commonplace throughout the summer weekends. Odd. Or maybe they're just very well staffed?

2005-11-12, 07:15 PM

It was around 3:30pm. The Airliner show at the Courtyard was not what I expected. I should have kept shooting pictures. The NYC Aviation.com gang did not have a table (or if they did it was not obvious), so I went to North Woodmere Park for a while where I met Moose. Like he said, 5 minutes after showing up, they changed runways, so we headed over to Costco.

2005-11-12, 07:44 PM
Hey John, it was great meeting you today at Planeview!

I re-read Moose's post. Looks like we at different areas of the Costco parking lot.

2005-11-12, 07:50 PM
It'snice to see cops going through the motions and doing the right thing. It seems as though they are getting used to us and see that we are here to stay and that they are respecting us, yet still doing the safe thing and check it all out.

Good encounter. :)

2005-11-12, 07:54 PM
I have shot in Costco many times and never been hassled. Senga's buddy (some crazy old lady) called the cops on me at the park we shoot 31L yesterday but when they switched to 31R I went to Cosco and shot for 3 hours. Mostly, it's people that are ignorant to our hobby and love to dial the police every chance they get. I am glad the encounter went well. The two NCPD officers that checked my ID were great about it. I was talking to a guy who was fishing at Costco and he asked me if what I did was a hobby. You could tell he thought I was nuts. It's what you have to deal with.

For you guys that don't know Senga's buddy, she is this crazy old lady with nothing better to do than walk around the park and bug people, she walked near me and I shot her the look of death and she left, NCPD came 15 minutes later. So be advised.

2005-11-12, 08:09 PM
That's why I think smiling helps, Nick. Quell their fears by showing your warm heart! :D

2005-11-12, 08:23 PM

I am just not into these busy bodies. If you want to call the police on me, go right ahead. I don't need you bothering me. One of the reasons I enjoy spotting is being outside and enjoying the view and the great outdoors. Unless you are a fellow spotter or a hot female, keep walking! :mrgreen:

2005-11-12, 08:30 PM
Valid point. Though none of us are obligated, let's also remember that our actions represent all of us as a whole, and our behavior as individuals is what people will use to cast judgements on our entire group.

Steven Holzinger
2005-11-12, 09:27 PM
I was at Bayswater this morning and saw that a State Parks cop was there, so I told him what our intentions were and such and he said that we're not supposed to be taking pictures there without a permit, but also gave us (me and two of my friends) the impression that he let us take pictures there after he had left. We did just that.

2005-11-12, 09:29 PM
she is this crazy old lady with nothing better to do than walk around the park and bug people,

If I go to that park 20 years from now, I expect to see her bronzed as a gargoyle.

2005-11-12, 09:31 PM
I was at Bayswater this morning and saw that a State Parks cop was there, so I told him what our intentions were and such and he said that we're not supposed to be taking pictures there without a permit, but also gave us (me and two of my friends) the impression that he let us take pictures there after he had left. We did just that.

Sad that Park Police are the only group that has no caught on yet.

2005-11-12, 09:37 PM
[quote="Steven Holzinger":154de]I was at Bayswater this morning and saw that a State Parks cop was there, so I told him what our intentions were and such and he said that we're not supposed to be taking pictures there without a permit, but also gave us (me and two of my friends) the impression that he let us take pictures there after he had left. We did just that.

Sad that Park Police are the only group that has no caught on yet.[/quote:154de]

As angry as it makes me to read this notion of a permit to take pictures in New York State Parks, it wouldn't surprise me to find out its true (on paper at least). Have to make some calls on Monday.

Tower Air
2005-11-12, 11:05 PM

Pardon my post

You gusy should stage a protest about taking plane pictures It worked on the mta you should do it to

2005-11-12, 11:17 PM

Pardon my post

You gusy should stage a protest about taking plane pictures It worked on the mta you should do it to

There are better ways to communicate with them than protests, adn we are working on several ideas already. We'll keep you posted.

2005-11-12, 11:23 PM
she is this crazy old lady with nothing better to do than walk around the park and bug people,

If I go to that park 20 years from now, I expect to see her bronzed as a gargoyle.

I am going to wait till Senga is with me and I am going to wait till she comes walking up to us and then Senga and I are going to tag team her. Senga will do a Superfly Jimmy Snuka on her and I will do a fireman carry and throw her in the water. Then she can call the NCPD on us! :evil:

As for the state police and their notion of permits, well sounds like more gestapo tactics. Let me know what you hear Tom. Though I don't think we need any permits to shoot.

2005-11-12, 11:51 PM
I don't think a protest will help us, just make us look like a bunch of crazys (I know, I know...).

We need to continue to carry on like John & I did today - don't hide what we are doing, be polite and mindful of others, and be respectful when approached by the authorities. Don't appear to be a threat and hopefully you shouldn't be treated like one. But mouth off to a cop, or refuse to leave when asked, even if you feel you and in the right, and you can find yourself in a world of hurt. How much do you think it takes to end up with a disorderly conduct or disturbing the peace bust. Yes, you may end being cleared, but who needs that hassle.

Tom T - I think I saw you at Costco, I took a swing through the lot when I got there, and I thought I saw someone with a camera over on the water side of the lot.

And may I add that I've lived in Nassau County for much of my 45 years, and through a variety of encounters with the NCPD I've never found them to be anything but professional.

2005-11-13, 10:16 AM

Your right. I tend to stay on the west side of the lot where people fish, you can blend in easily with the fisherman an nobody really pays you any mind. You were in a spot that many people saw you and as i said there is always one person that loves to dial the police. If you like shooting 31R go to the Firestone just east of Costco. If you have a 400mm lens you can get great shots.

We have to continue to stand our ground, I had this stupid SCPD rookie try to bully me at ISP this past spring, I stood my ground and was hoping they would try to detain me. I do have a pretty powerful hook with SCPD but the fact still remains we are doing nothing wrong, regardless what the police or homeland security think.

Hope to see you at JFK soon, I have all the time in the world now, not to mention it's getting lonely spotting alone. :mrgreen:

2005-11-13, 12:06 PM
Nikv69 wrote:

<<Senga will do a Superfly Jimmy Snuka on her>>

I think Senga is working on some "green mist"... :)

Next time Monty comes our way, hopeufully he'll bring "Nathan Jones, aka the Colossus of Boggo Road," to handle these pests.. lol

Matt Molnar
2005-11-13, 02:18 PM
For you guys that don't know Senga's buddy, she is this crazy old lady with nothing better to do than walk around the park and bug people, she walked near me and I shot her the look of death and she left, NCPD came 15 minutes later. So be advised.

Is it her? (http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/crazyscreaminglady.html)

2005-11-13, 07:04 PM
That's a great video. I almost posted that i this thread last night, too. haha

2005-11-13, 07:29 PM
LOL, great video. I wouldn't waste my time taking a picture of a whale like her! Too funny :lol:

2005-11-18, 01:44 PM
I think Senga's lady friend flew to LA this week to harass me. Some fat beast from Compton was giving me **** about taking pics at the park across from Inn and Out. I asked her if she ever read the Constitution, her answer was "what", that's all I needed to know as I continued to take pictures.

Funny thing about the Police back in NY and the Police here. Sunday morning I was up at the hill and a cop was sitting there right next to me enjoying the view. Had a nice conversation with him for about 30 mins and never once did he ask for my idea or even say how taking pictures of planes is suspicious. We need to work towards the law getting use to us and getting to know us. Hiding from them being stand offish and pushing the limit of what we know not to do will only hurt what we love to do.

2005-11-18, 02:10 PM
You are so right Tommy, the police in Vegas are so cool. So is airport security. They wave to you and ask to make sure you are taking pictures. So much more laid back than NY. It's a joy to spot out west