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View Full Version : Whats wrong with this aviation video???

2005-10-28, 12:40 PM
How many errors can you see in this video??

http://fromtheflightdeck.com/temp/737%2 ... estion.avi (http://fromtheflightdeck.com/temp/737%20bird%20injestion.avi)

2005-10-28, 01:12 PM
My observations include the following ;)

1.) If this is suppose to be JFK...13R the sign is on the wrong side.
2.) Ive never heard of that airline.
3.) When rolling, suddenly the building and stuff in the background is gone, and replaced with a forest( I dont remeber seeing a forest in Jamaica the last time i checked ;) Also when they show the birds heading towards the engine, same "middle earth" scenery ;)
4.) Seagulls dont sound like Hawks when they get sucked into engines.
5.) They go to reverse thrusters but i dont see the deflectors come down?
6.) WHen the Sh*t hits the fan (no pun intended) why is there what appears to be CO2 entering the cabin from the front???
7.) The approach lets are actually on the runway? cuz after that they finally stop at the end of the runway there are none.( which you should be able to see the approach lights from there)
8.) The "Welcome To New York" sign at the end. HAHAHA are they serious?
9.) The Fire engine sounds at the end, why have the horn and siren going? Theres no traffic lol.. (thats just my opinion)
10.) Ben Afleck is in it, therefore you know this movie is retarded!!

2005-10-28, 02:01 PM
Not bad, but much more ;)

2005-10-28, 02:49 PM
I think I got a couple - they actually allowed an Apple laptop that was black??? - and...was he actually using that laptop on take-off?????

2005-10-28, 04:41 PM
let's make it easy and just say everything. that video is completely fabricated...

2005-10-28, 08:19 PM
(1) his tie doesn't match his suit
(2) phil's not an actor :lol:

2005-10-29, 01:44 PM
well, I cant see anything wrong! Media Player will only give me sound. I'll say this, it doesnt sound too good. LOL!
Kinda has me puzzled, I can see all the other videos on Fred's sight, this one, I cant. :evil:

Matt Molnar
2005-10-29, 02:30 PM
1. Ben Affleck wouldn't be caught dead in economy.
2. The plane wouldn't veer off to the side unless other birds crashed through the windshield and killed the pilots.
3. Why are there electrical sparks coming out of the wheels??
4. Why are there stewardesses and passengers walking up and down the aisles during takeoff?????
5. JFK and LGA are surrounded by water, but this airport is surrounded by trees.
6. The animations of the birds are Saturday-morning-cartoon-quality at best, not feature film caliber.
7. It's dawn or dusk, the busiest times at the airports, but there are no other planes in the air or on the ground.
8. Ben Affleck doesn't get killed. :(

Matt Molnar
2005-10-29, 02:31 PM
well, I cant see anything wrong! Media Player will only give me sound. I'll say this, it doesnt sound too good. LOL!
Kinda has me puzzled, I can see all the other videos on Fred's sight, this one, I cant. :evil:

You need the DIVX codec for Media Player to play it. Downlad it at http://www.divx.com.

2005-10-29, 06:24 PM
gotham... i like number 8, really a problem at times.

2005-10-30, 07:31 AM
...in addition to the other comments.

1) All airliners are certified to take off on 1 engine. No reason to shut down.
2) If he was below V1, he had plentyof room to stop.
3) Forget the laptop, how did that pig next to him get food already?
4) Unless the crew hit the button, O2 masks would never deploy on the ground.