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View Full Version : LGA - 10/2/05

2005-10-02, 06:48 AM
It's 6:48am and I'm up. If you're up for driving to LGA right now, I'll be out until about 10am.

2005-10-02, 06:48 AM
It's 6:48am and I'm up. If you're up for driving to LGA right now, I'll be out until about 10am.

2005-10-02, 08:59 AM
Ok, I got back earlier than I thought. The sun got high pretty fast. For 13 deps, once that sun gets high....you're done.

2005-10-02, 08:59 AM
Ok, I got back earlier than I thought. The sun got high pretty fast. For 13 deps, once that sun gets high....you're done.

Alex T
2005-10-02, 09:36 AM
I believe this has to be the shortest spotting trip I have ever seen done by you. haha

What planes did you see? just the usual scheduled ones into LGA?


Alex T
2005-10-02, 09:36 AM
I believe this has to be the shortest spotting trip I have ever seen done by you. haha

What planes did you see? just the usual scheduled ones into LGA?


2005-10-02, 10:28 AM
Actually, MOST of my spottings trips are that short.

When spotting fomr a park or something on the east side of LGA....you can only do it inthe morning at sunrise. And even on a clear day, the horizon can be hazy, making it useless.

So I rarely ever know if I'm going out until that morning when the sun rises, and then I can only do it until the sun gets too high.

I took 174 shots. Only 3 were useable because of low light.


2005-10-02, 10:28 AM
Actually, MOST of my spottings trips are that short.

When spotting fomr a park or something on the east side of LGA....you can only do it inthe morning at sunrise. And even on a clear day, the horizon can be hazy, making it useless.

So I rarely ever know if I'm going out until that morning when the sun rises, and then I can only do it until the sun gets too high.

I took 174 shots. Only 3 were useable because of low light.


2005-10-02, 12:38 PM
Great shot Phil. Sorry couldn't join you this morning, being up for 20 hours st8 on Saturday knocked me out. Great shot though!

2005-10-02, 04:52 PM
Nice shot Phil!!!