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View Full Version : A "Goodbye to summer" spotting day here in NY

2005-09-07, 10:15 PM
I believe we should have a going away summer spotting day where we can get everyone together here in NY... anyone else up for this???

2005-09-07, 10:22 PM
If we dont get together, can we prolong the summer?

2005-09-07, 11:54 PM
I think we should all go out and get drunk one night!

2005-09-08, 12:12 AM
I think we should all go out and get drunk one night!

Sounds like a plan!

2005-09-08, 01:22 PM
Well it sounds like a large crowd will be out at Kid's day at LGA, that probably would be a good day.

2005-09-12, 07:02 PM
I won't make but the last hour of kids day, so I can't hang during the day but, yeah, why don't we aim to hang that afternoon once kids day is over?

So kids day followed by drunken banter and an nycaviation summer's over soiree?

2005-09-12, 07:03 PM
Name the venue. Let's set this up. :)

2005-09-12, 07:06 PM
Why not do a BBQ at a park or in someone's backyard? That'd be more accomodating than a bar for those of us who do not (and, for a lot of the members here, cannot) drink.

2005-09-12, 07:07 PM

2005-09-12, 10:48 PM
What about that park we went to near Crossbay? It had BBQs and you get to still watch planes.

2005-09-13, 03:42 PM
yeah that place looked good. but may i show someones house who is on this board... ;) from another topic http://www.nycaviation.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=778

Matt Molnar
2005-09-13, 11:34 PM
What about that park we went to near Crossbay? It had BBQs and you get to still watch planes.

And when the cops harass us for taking pictures, we can use the We-can't-be-fanatical-Islamist-terrorists-because-we're-drunk-and-Muslims-don't-drink Defense. :mrgreen: