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View Full Version : Flying boat ldg in NY harbor tommorrow

2005-08-26, 01:59 PM
For anyone whose interested the Dornier DO-24 3-eng flying boat is supposed to land in NY harbor near the Statue of Liberty around 10:30 am on Sat. the 27th. According to AVweb it's a reenactment of the flight of a 10-12 eng Dornier a/c that landed there back in the 30's.

2005-08-26, 02:24 PM
That's wild! How long is it going to be here/where is it coming from?

I might be up for this, but I don't have the slightest idea of where to go...Staten Island? I wonder where Tom shot the Concorde à la barge.

Matt Molnar
2005-08-26, 02:40 PM
Staten Island probably wouldn't offer any good angles, if there are any to be had from land. The Brooklyn Promenade or Battery Park would be the best bets I think.

2005-08-26, 05:10 PM
How about Liberty State Park???

Matt Molnar
2005-08-28, 12:17 AM
Well, did anyone go?