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View Full Version : US New Colors to LGA Thur PM and twice Friday

2005-08-24, 04:57 PM
Okay NYC Spotters, here is your chance to see and photograph the new US Livery on A-320 N109UW. Although routing's are always subject to change these are pretty firm as US wants to run the aircraft on the Shuttle so BOS/DCA/LGA employees can see the aircraft. This occurred as a certain unnamed US LGA employee (and NYCAviation) photog
proposed the idea to US OCC Management. The aircraft should visit LGA once on Thursday 8-25 and twice on Friday 8-26. As US only has two LGA A-320 Flights a day and one arrival is late night this aircraft probably will not visit LGA frequently in the next month so here is your chance with a great weather forecast ! Here are the times.

Thursday 8-25

US 2135 BOS-LGA Arrv 1702
US 2185 LGA-DCA Dept 1800

Friday 8-26

US 2162 DCA-LGA Arrv 0904
US 2169 LGA-DCA Dept 1000
US 2131 BOS-LGA Arrv 1501
US 135 LGA-PIT Dept 1545

I hope many of you can see and photograph the new look.



2005-08-24, 05:13 PM
Thanks LGA777.

I guess I will have to cut short work tomorrow evening :)


2005-08-24, 05:21 PM
And I guess I have to work from home on Friday! This is so exciting! Now I'll have just have to keep my fingers crossed that the right runways are being used. Ideally, I'd love to get a nice close-up of the nose while the plane is in on short final for 04, and then get one of the signature 13 banking departure shots. I should mention, however, that since that "heritage" logo is only on the port side of the plane (to the best of my understanding), I'd have to get the nose shot from Landing Lights Park in the afternoon instead of Planeview in the morning. Thank goodness the plane is coming in twice!

Thanks a bunch, Ron.


2005-08-24, 06:22 PM
Ron - Is that the Thursday/Friday schedule or Friday/Saturday schedule?

2005-08-24, 06:25 PM
tom it's thursday/friday. the weekend shuttle schedule is much reduced.

need to get the left side of the a/c... how do i tell me boss i can't work because i'll be on the ramp shooting the new colors airplane?

2005-08-24, 06:29 PM
Matt - Whats on the right side of the aircraft?

2005-08-24, 06:29 PM
Big goof on the dates guys, Thanks Tom for pointing it out

It's Thursday 8-25 and Friday 8-26

I corrected the origiinal thread.


2005-08-24, 07:42 PM
the "heritage logo," for the lack of a better term. it's normally blocked by the jetway canopy when at the gate so need to get it taxiing in.

2005-08-25, 01:51 PM
Any update from the US guys on whether the schedule for N109UW remains the same? I'm planning to get out there tomorrow for both arrivals/departures if the times will be the same.

By the way, after it left PHX, where did it go, and was it revenue service? I was also wondering if this jet is gonna fly only US routes until the merger is officially complete, or if they'll put it on some AWA routes. My guess is that it will be US only.


2005-08-25, 01:57 PM
I will try and get it this Afternoon, have to be at LGA anyway.


2005-08-25, 02:15 PM
I, too, will be out all day on Friday.

2005-08-25, 02:21 PM
1400 lcl Update on Thur 8-25

N109UW is running on time and is on the planned line of flying so all above posts are a GO !

LGA is landing 4 departing 13 and based on forecast ed winds should stay that way thru at least mid day Friday. And BTW it is simply Beautiful at LGA !

Now for the BIG NEWS. If you are coming out to catch today's 1800 Departure there will be a major bonus ! The Yankees/Blue Jay's end a 4 game series today, if no extra innings are required the Blue Jay's will probably depart LGA approx 1800L same as NEW US. What are the Blue Jay's leaving town on you ask ? Well here is a photo


For any of you with a scanner there call sign is StarJet.

I hope some of you can make it out for this Great Double Play !



2005-08-25, 02:32 PM
I will be there.


2005-08-25, 02:32 PM
Ron, thanks for the update. I wish that 727 departed tomorrow when I'll be out there! Damn!

2005-08-25, 03:52 PM
I will go to DCA to catch it tonight on arrival. :)


2005-08-25, 04:22 PM
US 2135 is enroute to LGA early ETA 1644.

Yankees won 6-2 game ended on time so the StarJet 727 should depart approx 1800L


2005-08-25, 04:41 PM
LGA now landing 22 still departing 13


2005-08-25, 06:44 PM
Well the more I see the new US scheme the more I like it, I hope those of you that don't care for it will feel differently after a few times in person.

BTW the way US 2185 was airborne at 1810 and StarJet exactly 10 mins later.

A nice bonus was Air Canada's 4th new E-175 C-FEJC.

Hope some of you got to see her and more of you tomorrow.

Cheers LGA777

2005-08-25, 08:08 PM
Got them both, pics in a bit.


2005-08-25, 08:54 PM
Thanks Ron, Just as he said the aircraft departed 10 minutes apart.



2005-08-25, 09:15 PM
Eric. GREAT Shots, today was a real double play. Got a nice shot of the 72 from the ramp just as she was lifting off, did so so with the A-320 departure but I think Matt and I got some GREAT ramp shots, the sky was so BLUE when she pushed back. Not sure why they both flew runway heading straight ahead with no right turn, perhaps due to US Open practice.Matt thanks for driving today !

Cheers LGA777

2005-08-25, 10:20 PM
Hi Guys,

Thanks a lot for the information on N109UW. I've got it as it arrived at DCA earlier today at 7pm. Unfortunately the weather got really bad by the time it arrived. Anyway, thanks again! And here is my poor shot of it arriving at DCA on runway 19.


2005-08-25, 11:43 PM
Rafal, it will be in DCA twice tomorrow morning,a 700 something arrival from BOS, 0800 departure to LGA, around an 1100A arrival from LGA (US 2169) departing to BOS at 1145. When it gets to BOS then down to LGA then the Shuttle flying is over. BTW your shot was pretty good.


2005-08-26, 03:44 AM
Eric, what great shots. I'm so jealous that you got a 727 at LGA.

Ron, good call on that 727 flight. You've put good thought into it and helped us out a lot. Thanks! :)

2005-08-26, 09:39 AM
I was at McNeil Park in College Point this morning and I caught N109UW arriving on 22. It came in about 15 minutes early at approximately 8:45. The sky was pretty hazy, and the sun kept getting stuck behind clouds, but I think I got a nice shot. I didn't stick around for the departure since there is really no good spot for 31 departures (except in the terminal, but I didn't feel like going in there).

I may head back this afternoon for the second arrival of this plane.


2005-08-26, 10:05 AM
Unfortunately I can't be out at the airport today. Yesterday evening I left helpdesk without anybody on duty ;)
I will go to PHL in about two weeks so maybe then I will catch it in nice sun.


2005-08-26, 10:29 AM
Ron, please post any more arrival/departure data if you can. I didn't get to the forums until it was too late yesterday and I cant make it out today.

2005-08-26, 10:32 AM
Josh you got a great shot, got to be something of a record, from click of shuttle to JetPhoto's Database in about 90 minutes, way to go Josh !


I think this afternoons weather should be better. looking at the wx channel website the wind might change enough around departure time to switch to departing 13, they often change runways at 1500 so it may happen.

I decided to stay home this morning but working a swap today 1300-2130 so will get more shots of this afternoon's visit. After that don't think we will see her for a while.

Cheers LGA777

2005-08-26, 10:35 AM
Senga I plan on it but she will not be a frequent visitor as we only have two A-320's a day (one arrives after dark) and 24 aircraft. Your best bet is to send out one of the clones to LGA this afternoon !

2005-08-26, 11:03 AM
Wow, Ron, that really was fast!

Do you have any idea whether the arrival runway is forecasted to change this afternoon? It'd be great to have arrivals on 04! I'll cross my fingers that departures are switched to 13, too.

2005-08-26, 11:08 AM
Josh you can count on 22 for arrivals all day and 31 for departures till at least sometime mid afternoon, when the wind turns around a little will dictate when we start departing 13, my guess is between 1500-1600. If we stay on 31 you could always try in the CTB above the CO gates.


2005-08-26, 11:08 AM
Josh, that shot is...awesome!! :shock: Great work.

I'm trying to knock some work out of the way in the office so I can make it back to my area in time. I hope I can make it, all this stuff is pretty damn cool and I'd really hate to miss it while it's still a 'novelty' item.


2005-08-26, 11:18 AM
Ron, I agree...if need be, I will get a shot of N109UW from the CTB near the CO gates. I could get a shot of it taxiing in and then 45 minutes later a shot of it departing. I'd rather get it departing 13, though! :)

Thanks, Brian. I really lucked out with the departing ERJ.

2005-08-26, 11:24 AM
Josh, great shot.

I will try and make it out for the 3:45 departure.


2005-08-26, 12:18 PM
I'll be hanging out at the usual spot inside the CTB for the 3pm arrival. I'll be ready for it to arrive a few minutes early, though, as it's only coming from DCA and was 15 minutes early this morning. Assuming that 31 is still the departure runway, I will still be at the same spot, but if they switch to 13 for departures I am going to head over to Monty's favorite spotting location: Officer Yum Bridge. Maybe I'll see some of you out this afternoon.


2005-08-26, 02:11 PM
US 2131 is enroute from BOS early ETA 1445 LCL.

LGA is now departing 13 landing 22 changed at 1410 lcl
50 mins earlier than I predicted, I guess I need more practice !


2005-08-26, 05:30 PM
I just got back home, Josh and I caught the it as it taxied to the terminal after its arrival, and then we went to the overpass over the Grand central for the 13 departure, where we met up with Eric.

Weather was a lot better yesterday, not sure if my shot came out very good at all. I'll edit it soon.

Had a run-in with NYPD detectives at the overpass. Looked like Harley guys in plain clothes, but very nice and cool cops. Fast and smooth and kind. Just how such encounters should be. NYPD has a great record of being courteous to us spotters. :)

I think the new scheme is gorgeous.

2005-08-26, 06:33 PM
Eric and Rafal, AWESOME shots!!

2005-08-26, 08:53 PM
Here is mine:


We also got the 13 departure afterwards, but my shots of it sucked ass.

2005-08-26, 08:57 PM
Nice shot Phil. Too bad that damn B6 was parked there. I hate when that happens.


2005-08-26, 09:03 PM
Thanks. Now, I'm no Mike McLaughlin, but my Photoshop skills are decent enough to make that JetBlue pushback early. ;)

2005-08-27, 12:44 AM
nice shot phil!

2005-08-27, 12:19 PM
Here of two of my shots from Thursday



As you can see the weather was just AMAZING !

Had a really cool experience uploading these two photo's to JP.
I checked Hot Photo then put in the screeners remarks "not sure
if this still considered Hot, if it is Great, if not could you please leave
it in the que for consideration". I uploaded The photo then went right
to member section. No photo's in Que, how could that be, I went to
my photo stats, the photo was already there. simply incredible, it
was like 30 seconds. Decided to try again. Same hot photo comment,
uploaded photo, went to bathroom, came back two mins later, photo was
on database, just incredible. I love JetPhotos. Mean while over at
a.net most of my photos from Tues morning in PHL where rejected
except two that have been in screening since about 11:00 AM Tuesday
morning 3 hours after I shot them even with a friendly, professional
e-mail to the screeners. What a difference, thanks for letting me ramble !

Cheers LGA777

AA 777
2005-08-27, 05:25 PM
Heres a few more from yesterday of 109UW taxing in after landing on 22





2005-08-27, 06:02 PM
Beautiful shots Matt, it's pretty hard to beat that location, you are very fortunate to have that access. I have not heard your opinion yet on the scheme, thumbs up or down ?

BTW guys a.net finally accepted one of my Philly shots, almost identical to MikePhotos's shot, I actually would have understood the bad double rejection but not most of the others.

Cheers LGA777