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View Full Version : Breaking Benjamin/Staind/Three Doors Down Concert

2005-07-07, 12:18 AM
I love Breaking Benjamin and was able to get a ticket form a friend of mine that works at a record label.

I got into the dressing room of Staind and was talking to the lead singer, Aaron, while he puffed away on a joint.

The quote of the night was when he said, out of nowhere, "I hope you're not offended by my fatness."

Now at home, I am cursing myself because I forgot to ask him something I've been wondering for years. That song "On the Outside" that he did acoustically with Fred Durst in the background (not singing, just sitting there) had a part where Fred just blurts out in his own microphone to the crowd "I'm feelin' those lighters." If I was Aaron, I'd have stopped, turned around and said "Yo, you wanna shut your mouth? I'm trying to sing a song!"

I wish I asked Aaron about that. Damn.

Breaking Benjamin rocked. Wow. Three Doors Down sucked, like always.