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View Full Version : Kuwaiti A310 at JFK

2005-05-11, 07:20 PM
Greetings, Just found out the Kuwaiti Government A310 is at JFK. It planned for departure for ADW at 7:30pm. Hopefully it will swing back out way in a day or two.

2005-05-11, 11:48 PM
Wow...two foreign A310s in the span of a week or so. As cool as this one may be, I think it will be hard to beat the Spanish A310 landing at LGA. I still can't get that sight out of my head. If only I had been there to see it take off. Wow!

2005-05-12, 12:22 PM
Yes, its always a treat when they show up like that. Now if I coudl just get something I DON'T already have. I find this most annoying. I'll post when I see its comming back from ADW.

2005-05-12, 03:40 PM
How do you find out about these types of VIP movements?

2005-05-12, 04:44 PM
Josh, there was an earlier thread somewhere on here where Phil D. described Senga's trick, he cloned himself many times so he can be at every airport all the time, you don't need a computer, except to upload the photo's.


2005-05-13, 10:17 PM
I know about the VIP movements through different ways. The easiest one being the Flight trackers. Other way is keeping abreast of who is scheduled to visit the US and when. These are just 2 examples.

BTW the Kuwaiti A310 arrived again as I thought it would. Unfortunately it was after dark. I hope they bring on the 744 next time.