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Photos: Inside a Boeing 787 Dreamliner Test Plane at EAA Airventure

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Thousands of EAA Airventure spectators lined up along the flightline early on Friday as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner touched down at Oshkosh for the first time and opened the doors for public tours, another first for the aircraft.

Looking back.

Looking back.
Picture 20 of 29

The 2011 show’s largest visitor circled for a few minutes before performing a flyby down Runway 36L. The 787 slowed to a stop using less than half of the 8002-ft-long runway, allowing it to make a quick left turn to its parking spot among a number of military aircraft on the massive ConocoPhillips Plaza.

Boeing says the plane will depart as the finale of this afternoon’s airshow, scheduled for 6:00pm. Fifi, the only remaining flyable B-29 Superfortress, is expected to participate, as well.

More photos and video coming tonight…

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  • charlie

    these planes are amazing