Posts Tagged ‘safety’


Near Misses and Close Calls in the Air

With more planes flying than ever before, the number of incidents has risen. Should nervous passengers be worried?
by Patrick Smith


Laser Attacks on Aircraft a Rapidly Growing Concern

Laser attacks on aircraft are on the rise. To combat this problem, the FAA and FBI have taken strong steps to find and prosecute those guilty of pointing lasers at aircraft.
by Gabe Andino


Why We Are Safe in the Storm

Winter weather poses a challenge to the airlines and pilots operating aircraft. Yet the airline industry maintains an excellent safety record despite the potentially hazardous conditions.
by David J. Williams



The Unintended Consequences of the “1500 Hour Rule”

The FAA recently raised minimum flight hour requirements for commercial pilots to 1,500 hours. Brad Tate explores whether this stricter hiring requirement truly benefits flight safety.
by Brad Tate


Do Commercial Pilots Really “Suck” at Manual Flying?

Do pilots really “suck” at manual flying, as a soon-to-be-released FAA report suggests? Airbus Captain and author Eric “Cap’n Aux” Auxier explores this disturbing possibility.
by Eric Auxier