Posts Tagged ‘Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)’


Tiny Airports Take Off With Stimulus

The Federal Aviation Administration has now allocated all of its $1.1 billion in stimulus money for airport improvements. But the complex set of rules laid out in the recovery act has led to some counterintuitive results: The b...
by Michael Grabell, ProPublica

A JetBlue Airbus A320 like this one was diverted to Amarillo after the Captain suffered a panic attack. (Photo by Kaz T)

JetBlue Pilot Meltdown Ended by Choke Hold from Former Prison Guard: With Video and Audio

A JetBlue flight made an emergency landing on Tuesday when the captain suffered some kind of mental breakdown. No one was injured, thanks in part to the actions of David Gonzalez, who held the pilot in a choke hold until the pl...
by admin

Spirit Airlines stripper truck

Spirit Strippermobile Brings Airline’s Notoriously Risque Marketing to the Offline World

Spirit Airlines, still high from the attention earned by throwing a "Big Weiner Sale" on its website earlier this week, has stepped it up a giant notch by driving a glass truck filled with pole dancers and painted with sexually...
by admin



AirTran to Launch Four New Routes Out of Fort Myers

AirTran Airways on Wednesday announced several new flights to Ft. Myers, Florida from several airports in its coast to coast network, the airline said.
by BNO News


Southwest Airlines Announces New Routes Out of Dallas

Monday morning, Southwest Airlines announced which routes it will serve from Dallas Love Field when the Wright Amendment expires in October.
by Ben Granucci