Posts Tagged ‘Canon’


Taming the Beast: How to Name and Organize Your Digital Photos

The disappearance of film and the arrival of the Digital Age means unlimited photo taking! Yay! But now how do I save, sort, archive and search through tens of thousands of shots? Boo. Photography Columnist Manny Gonzalez tells...
by Manny Gonzalez

New York Magazine's Hurricane Sandy cover, "The City and the Storm."

New York Mag’s Stunning Sandy Cover Was Shot From A Moving Helicopter

How photographer Iwan Baan captured Hurricane Sandy's Manhattan blackout in one photo.
by admin


How to Pick the Best Lens For Aviation Photography

No matter how good a camera body you buy, a successful day of photography at your local airport or a summer airshow greatly depends on which lens you use. Photography columnist Manny Gonzalez explains what you should look for i...
by Manny Gonzalez



How to Choose a Camera: Sensors and Megapixels

Does a camera with more megapixels automatically mean it's better than a camera with fewer? Not necessarily. Manny Gonzalez explains how camera sensors work and how size matters.
by Manny Gonzalez


#SpotLAX2019 Is Right Around The Corner, Are You Ready?

We hope everyone is having a fun start to the Summer! With July heat, that can only mean that our annual #SpotLAX2019 event is right around the corner! This year, the event will be held Friday September 6 through Sunday Septemb...
by Heather Abbott