I'm very big on family. I nearly blow my stack when I go to settings or outings and see parents with their face in a cell screen and missing out on the best thing!!

So with the thought of parents addicted to cell phones:

A week ago, my daughter got a shiner from a kid's foot in the playground in a red shirt. My daughter was screaming and without exaggeration, she had a cherry sized bump over her eyebrow within 25 seconds.

So I scoop up my daughter, hand over to wifey and take my son in search of ice. As I am doing this, I see this father now, just getting a sense of something awry. This of course was tough for him to assess as his face was in his iPhone, barely looking up to see what was going on.

Something came over me and I make a beeline up to the guy, my son in hand, and say, CALMLY, "Look, your son just kicked my daughter in the head."

him, very apologetic, "I'm sorry. You sure? Which one?"

me, now realizing he is watching his IDENTICAL TWIN SONS in red shirts, "Which one?? The one in the red shirt."

him, "Im sorry."

me,...."Yeah, I guess that is one more reason why I should not have a smartphone, so I can keep an eye on my kids."

The look on his face....it just dropped. I think he realized that he, not his kids, were in the wrong. I just walked away to get the ice at that point.

Turns out this clown then walked up to my daughter and wife, saying he wasn't so sure it was his kid, "He usually doesn't hit. But the other one...."

What?????!!!! Are you kidding me? First off, it was one of your identical twins in a red shirt, we were too busy tending to our kid to try and piece together distinguishing features on your twins to make out which it one it was .....

And second, how would you know which kid hits if you are trying to watch 2 kids when your face is in a dumbphone?